Navigate to marketingContent → components → addOnSection
Populate with items you would like to offer as an “Add Ons”
Configure max amounts on items (2 options)
Group Based Amount Limit ex. “Max 3 sauces total per order”
Item Based Amount Limit ex. “Max 3 of each sauce per order”
Note |
No availability checks are done here. Adding items as an “add on” it is assumed that these items are available everywhere. |
Tip |
Best Practices TipHighly suggest creating new items/PLUs as add ons so the brand can govern prices of those items without having to deal with the actual menu. |
Tip |
To Enable:
. This will also allow you to offer all or some of these Extras for free, if that is your national policy. |
Setting it up
Note |
Please reach out to your market representative requesting to enable the Add On Feature. Launch Darkly flag to be enabled: enable-add-extras |
Navigate to marketingContent → features → featureMenu
Populate “Cart Add On Sections” with the groups built in the step above
Guest Facing Experience