Identifier: a name consisted only of letters, which will be ingested by the system. Choose a name that clearly refers to this product. Do not worry, it won’t be shown to the guest.
Note |
Identifiers must be unique, i.e. you cannot duplicate identifiers among different products. |
Warning |
Please ensure you type it with no spaces. |
Name: this is the name that guests will see. As such, should follow your marketing guidelines.
Hide Name in Item Preview: toggling this option will hide the name in the platform, showing only the image to the user.
Show in Static Menu: toggling this option will show this picker aspect option in the Static Menu, before a Service Mode or store is selected. This is the equivalent to your National Menu, but it does not mean all of the items are available for purchase for Delivery or Pickup, for example.
Description: a description of this picker aspect.
Image: this is the image that is shown for the picker aspect.