Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Task 1 – Create structure for new component

    • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/components/store-status

      • store-status

        • __fixtures__

        • __tests__

          • index.test.tsx

          • use-store-status.test.ts

        • index.tsx

        • styled.ts

        • types.ts

        • use-store-status.ts

    • Create types

      • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/components/store-status/types.ts

        Code Block
        export enum StoreStatus {
          OpenNow = 'openNow',
          ClosedNow = 'closedNow',
          ClosedToday = 'closedToday',
          OpensAtTime = 'opensAtTime',
          ClosesAtTime = 'closesAtTime',
        export interface IStoreStatus {
          openingHours: string;
          closingHours: string;
          dayWeek: string;
          dateNow: Date;
        export type DateStatus = Date | undefined;
  • Task 2—Create translations

    • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/state/translations/en.json

      Code Block
      "openNow": "Open Now",
      "closedNow": "Closed Now",
      "closedToday": "Closed Today",
      "opensAtTime": "Opens at",
      "closesAtTime": "Closes at",
    • Add this translation on confluence page: /wiki/spaces/IN/pages/4071392004

  • Task 3—Create a method to format the store open and close time to date

    • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/components/store-status/utils.ts

      Code Block
      formatStoreHourToDate(date: Date, hour: string): Date | undefined
    • Example:

      Code Block
      import { add, format } from 'date-fns';
      export const getDateTimeFromStore = (date: Date, hours: string): Date | undefined => {
        if (!hours) {
        return new Date(`${date.getFullYear()}.${date.getMonth() + 1}.${date.getDate()} ${hours}`);
  • Task 4—Create method to return what the store status

    • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/components/store-status/utils.ts

      Code Block
      getIdStatus(today: Date, openDate: DateStatus, closeDate: DateStatus): StoreStatus | undefined
      • Open Now: the store is open at the moment;

      • Closed Now: the store is closed at the moment, but it has opening hours on the current day;

      • Closed Today: the store is closed through the entire day, it doesn‘t open on that day;

      • Opens at: the store is closed at the moment but will open in 60 minutes or less;

      • Closes at: the store is open but will close in 60 minutes or less.

    • Example:

      Code Block
      import { add, format } from 'date-fns';
      export const getIdStatus = (
        today: Date,
        openDate: DateStatus,
        closeDate: DateStatus
      ): StoreStatus | undefined => {
        const existDates = !openDate && !closeDate;
        if (existDates) {
          return StoreStatus.ClosedToday;
        const isOpen = today >= openDate! && today <= closeDate!;
        const isOpenAt = today <= openDate! && add(new Date(today), { hours: 1 }) >= openDate!;
        const isClose = today <= openDate! || today >= closeDate!;
        const isCloseAt = today <= closeDate! && add(new Date(today), { hours: 1 }) >= closeDate!;
        if (isCloseAt) {
          return StoreStatus.ClosesAtTime;
        if (isOpen) {
          return StoreStatus.OpenNow;
        if (isOpenAt) {
          return StoreStatus.OpensAtTime;
        if (isClose) {
          return StoreStatus.ClosedNow;
        return undefined;
  • Task 5—Create method to set the hour on label

    • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/components/store-status/utils.ts

      Code Block
      setHourOnMessage = (idStatus: StoreStatus | undefined, message: string, openDate: DateStatus, closeDate: DateStatus): string
    • Example:

      Code Block
      import { add, format } from 'date-fns';
      export const setHourOnMessage = (
        idStatus: StoreStatus | undefined,
        message: string,
        openDate: DateStatus,
        closeDate: DateStatus
      ): string => {
        if (idStatus === StoreStatus.ClosedToday) {
          return message;
        } else if (message && idStatus === StoreStatus.OpensAtTime) {
          return `${message} ${format(openDate!, 'hh aaa')}`;
        } else if (message && idStatus === StoreStatus.ClosesAtTime) {
          return `${message} ${format(closeDate!, 'hh aaa')}`;
        } else {
          return message;

  • Task 6—Create feature flag

  • Task 7—Create component

    • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/components/store-status/index.tsx


      Code Block
      // created on type
      export interface IStoreStatus {
        openingHours: string;
        closingHours: string;
        dayWeek: string;
        dateNow: Date;
      StoreStatus = (props: IStoreStatus)
      • dateNow: current date

      • openingHours: date that the store will open

      • closingHours: date that the store will close

      • dayWeek: Day of the week. e.g: monday, tuesdaysunday

    • Example:

      Code Block
      import React from 'react';
      import { format } from 'date-fns';
      import { useIntl } from 'react-intl';
      import { IStoreStatus } from './types';
      import { getDateTimeFromStore, getIdStatus, setHourOnMessage } from './utils';
      const StoreStatus = (props: IStoreStatus) => {
        const { formatMessage } = useIntl();
        const { openingHours, closingHours, dateNow, dayWeek } = props;
        const week = format(dateNow, 'iiii').toLowerCase();
        if (dayWeek.toLowerCase() === week) {
          const openingDate = getDateTimeFromStore(dateNow, openingHours);
          const closingDate = getDateTimeFromStore(dateNow, closingHours);
          const idStatus = getIdStatus(dateNow, openingDate, closingDate);
          const labelStatus = idStatus ? formatMessage({ id: idStatus }) : '';
          return (
              <span>{setHourOnMessage(idStatus, labelStatus, openingDate, closingDate)}</span>
        return <></>;
      export default StoreStatus;
      • for smalls layouts the status will break the line

        • “For the layout colors, we can use styled-components props to implement the variations based on the status. A way to do that:

          • Create a string variable with the status and pass it to the styled component tag. Inside the styles file, we can use this variable to choose the color and etc.

          • We can use flex and other CSS approaches to make the line break of the text but if difficult we can use the available media screens in the project to set different values in the CSS.”

        • We will export the const storeHoursSummary to intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/pages/store-locator/new-ui/store-card/constants.ts

          • path:intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/components/store-info-modal/index.tsx

            Code Block
            export const storeHoursSummary: [string, string][] = [
              ['monday', 'mon'],
              ['tuesday', 'tue'],
              ['wednesday', 'wed'],
              ['thursday', 'thr'],
              ['friday', 'fri'],
              ['saturday', 'sat'],
              ['sunday', 'sun'],
    • Task 8—Add new the component on store-info-modal component

      • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/components/store-info-modal/index.tsx

        • Add the new component on component Hours

      • We will format the layout to get like this:

      • Task 9—Add new the component on store card component

        • We will need to return the operation hour, Then, we will change the hook useOpenClosedText:

          • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/pages/store-locator/new-ui/store-card/hooks/use-open-closed-text.ts

            Code Block
            interface IOpenClosedText {
              isOpen: boolean;
              text: string;
              operatingHours?: object;
            const getHoursToday = (operatingHours: IOperatingHours) => {
              const today = format(new Date(), 'iiii').toLowerCase();
              const hoursToday = storeHoursSummary
                .filter(([weekName]) => weekName.toLowerCase() === today)
                .map(([, weekAbbreviated]) => {
                  const openingHours = operatingHours[`${weekAbbreviated}Open`];
                  const closingHours = operatingHours[`${weekAbbreviated}Close`];
                  return { openingHours, closingHours };
              return hoursToday;
            export const useOpenClosedText = (restaurant: IRestaurantNode): IOpenClosedText => {
              const { availablePickupServiceModes } = useServiceModeStatus(restaurant);
              const { formatMessage } = useIntl();
              // Get the open hours for the pickup service mode that is open and not disabled.
              const [operatingHours] =;
              if (!operatingHours) {
                return { isOpen: false, text: formatMessage({ id: 'closed' }) };
              const [hours] = getHoursToday(operatingHours);
              if (isWithinOneHourOfClose(operatingHours)) {
                return {
                  isOpen: true,
                  text: formatMessage({ id: 'closesAt' }, { time: readableCloseHourToday(operatingHours) }),
                  operatingHours: hours,
              return { isOpen: true, text: formatMessage({ id: 'open' }), operatingHours: hours };
          • On file: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/pages/store-locator/new-ui/store-card/store-card.tsx, we will return the operatingHours on hook useOpenClosedText

            Code Block
             const { isOpen, text, operatingHours } = useOpenClosedText(restaurant);
        • We will change the type StoreDetails

          • path: intl-whitelabel-app/workspaces/frontend/src/pages/store-locator/new-ui/store-card/store-card.view.tsx

            Code Block
            type StoreDetails = {
              operatingHours?: object;
          • On the same file, we will add the new component inside component StoreCardCaption


















Closes at {time}


Tanca a les {time}


Cierra a las {time}


{time} ixten da


Pecha ás {time}


Encerra às {time}




Opens at {time}


Obre a les {time}


Abre a las {time}


Orduetan irekitzen da {time}


Abre ás {time}


Abre às {time}




Closed Today


Avui tancat


Cerrado hoy


Gaur itxita


Hoxe pechado


Fechado hoje




Open Now


Obert ara


Abierto ahora


Ireki orain


Aberto agora


Aberto agora




Closed Now


Tancat ara


Cerrado ahora


Orain itxita


Pechado agora


Fechado agora