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This section, we will describe the discoveries about deep link on Salesforce In-app Message.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Verify redirect with dynamic linkThe solution will available to configure dynamic links, deeplink to access a specific area in the app or web

  • The solution will available to configure external links to access a specific area in the app or web

  • The solution should be compatible with Android platforms and devices, ensuring a consistent experience for users across different environments.


  • We will need to create a Java class to call via React as a lib;

  • Then, our class will need to extend Plugin and implements MarketingCloudSdk.InitializationListener, also this class will be assign with: @NativePlugin()

  • Therefore, we will need to implements three methods, then firsts two methods load and complete that will be able empty and will be assign @Override;

  • The others method we will need to add a some codes:

    • The first method that will be a main method is: public void initialize(final PluginCall call) it’s very important this method be named initialize, 'cause the React will call it. This methods will assign with @PluginMethod() like this:

  • Until this moment the call InAppMessageListener.INSTANCE no exist, so we will need to create an enum to satisfy it;

  • Then, will be create a enum InAppMessageListener that implements UrlHandler

    • We will instance the constant INSTANCE;

    • Inside this enum, will create a methods PendingIntent handleUrl() that when the user clicked on in-app action button with link, this method will intercept the action and run.

      • So, we need to treat the link to open the app or open the browser, like that:

    • Lastly, the class need to imported on MainActivity class, like that:

    • As the react code will call the initialize method, the feature will works just on market that the react call run;
