Fields Returned by Transaction Endpoint (Presentation Object)
Field Name | Type | Description / Example |
header? | String | Text to be printed to the receipt in the header of the Loyalty section (E.g., “My BK Rewards®\nYou Saved $5”) |
marketing? | String | Text to be printed to the receipt (E.g., “Join MY BK Rewards and start earning today! \nDownload BURGER KING® app or visit\n\nAdd points to existing account, scan or visit “” to claim your points”) |
pointsEarned? | String | Text to be printed on the receipt (E.g., “Earned: 70”) |
pointsRedeemed? | String | Text to be printed on the receipt (E.g., “Redeemed: 0”) |
totalPoints? | String | Text to be printed on the receipt (E.g., “Balance: 100”) |
identifier? | String | Not currently used on receipt. |
qrCode? | String | Either encoded image data representing a QR Code, or a URL to be encoded by the POS into a QR Code; the QR Code to be printed on the receipt. |
footer? | String | Text to be printed on the receipt at the bottom of the Loyalty section (E.g., “Crown points expire 6 months after last eligible transaction. See\/terms-conditions-rewards.”) |
Mapping to Loyalty Block Layout
Loyalty Block In Overall Receipt Context