We need to pass some information for work in studio apollo or postman, this is an example for use in this query, this example work in PLK ES DEV.
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{ "dropoff": { "addressLine1": "Vía Hispanidad 12", "city": "Zaragoza", "state": "AR", "streetNumber": "12", "route": "Vía Hispanidad", "zip": "50009", "country": "ESP", "latitude": 41.63374590000001, "longitude": -0.9082201, "phoneNumber": "02398565666" }, "searchRadius": 9656.04, "platform": "web", } |
But in case the restaurant is closed, the information is every null and the status is NO_DELIVERY, and this is WRONG, because the restaurant has closed and no unavailable, the status should be CLOSED:
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{ "data": { "deliveryRestaurant": { "deliverySurchargeFeeCents": 0, "nextEarliestOpen": null, "quote": "QUOTE_UNAVAILABLE", "quoteId": null, "restaurant": { "drinkStationType": null, "id": null, "_id": null, "storeId": null, "isAvailable": false, "posVendor": null, "chaseMerchantId": null, "curbsideHours": null, "deliveryHours": null, "diningRoomHours": null, "distanceInMiles": null, "driveThruHours": null, "driveThruLaneType": null, "email": null, "environment": null, "franchiseGroupId": null, "franchiseGroupName": null, "frontCounterClosed": null, "hasBreakfast": null, "hasBurgersForBreakfast": null, "hasCatering": null, "hasCurbside": null, "hasDelivery": null, "hasDineIn": null, "hasDriveThru": null, "hasTableService": null, "hasLateNightMenu": null, "hasMobileOrdering": null, "hasParking": null, "hasPlayground": null, "hasTakeOut": null, "hasWifi": null, "hasLoyalty": null, "isDarkKitchen": null, "isFavorite": false, "isHalal": null, "isRecent": false, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "mobileOrderingStatus": "temporary_unavailable", "name": null, "number": null, "parkingType": null, "phoneNumber": null, "physicalAddress": null, "playgroundType": null, "pos": null, "posRestaurantId": null, "restaurantImage": null, "status": null, "restaurantPosData": null, "vatNumber": null }, "storeStatus": "NO_DELIVERY" } } } |