After add all new fields, we need to run the command “yarn graphql:types” to generate the types for GraphQL.
How to integrate the environments localy
intl-packages, you need to remove some lines of node_modules/pino/lib/proto.js file:
yarn install
yarn build
go to packages of restaurant “cd restaurant"
run “yarn link", must show in console “success Registered "@rbilabs/intl-restaurant".”
create file .env with base .env.sample
yarn install
yarn build
connect with packages run: yarn link @rbilabs/intl-restaurant
start environment with command - STAGE=dev AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=326165771931 AWS_PROFILE=rbi.dev.admin AWS_REGION=eu-west-3 BRAND=plk yarn start:debug
add your address of int-delivery-service in file: src/functions/graphql/providers/delivery.ts
create a file .env with base .env.axample
yarn install
yarn build
start environment - export $(cat .env | xargs) && STAGE=dev AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=326165771931 AWS_PROFILE=rbi.dev.admin AWS_REGION=eu-west-3 BRAND=plk yarn start:debug
in moment start environment with yarn start you must choose the config local in graphql
others config you can use development for all
This is a simple way for connect these environments, maybe you need to do more things.