We need change or create a new component for show message about closed restaurant. In this POC I’m use the component src/components/modal-no-delivery-stores-open/no-stores-open-delivery-modal.tsx this component don’t is used currently in the app, so we can change some thing and use, this is a example of component:
In the file of this component we need to change some things for work, for example we need to transform in a React component and pass the attribute for next open date.
The component to be create is this:
PS - the text for title and description is this:
Create this component in src/components/address-modal/new-component
We need to pass the next open date and next Day Open
About the messages of delivery will be available:
If today is Monday at 8 AM and the restaurant open at 10 AM, so we need show a message “Delivery will be avaliable today at 10:00 AM”.
If today is Monday and the restaurant open tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10 AM, so need show “Delivery will be avaliable tomorrow at 10:00 AM”.
If today is Monday and the restaurant open (Weadnesday) at 10 AM, so need show “Delivery will be avaliable Weadnesday at 10:00 AM”.
The button "Use Different Address“ return to screen of search delivery.