Versions Compared


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Choose the Right Language

Unless you are handling multiple languages across regions, you always want to work on regional language variants, i.e. always choose “Spanish (Spain)” over “Spanish”.

In some particular cases, markets can share common strings via a “parent” language.

For example, German (Switzerland) and German (Germany) share common translations via the German language.

When making translation updates to a regional variant that contains a parent language, please note any subsequent changes to the parent language won’t be propagated to the regional variant.


  • German, keyName: “Translation for parent German language”

  • German (Switzerland), keyName: “Translation specific to German in Switzerland”



German, keyName: “Translation for parent German language” → “Updated translation for parent German language”


The application always loads a regional locale, e.g. for BK-DE it will use translations from German in Germany, and not any other German variants. Therefore, when making translation changes, make sure to always use the appropriate regional language.

When working across multiple languages, e.g. Spanish (Spain) + Spanish (Portugal), using Lokalise translation editor’s Multilingual View is recommended.

Editor Environment

Lokalise has a full-fledged translations editor, and covering how it works is out of the scope of this document.
