After add all new fields, we need to run the command “yarn graphql:types” to generate the types for GraphQL.
After intl-delivery-service found the restaurants, the system get the quotes in intl-partner-delivery repository. And in this repository it is get the times of Sanity again, and every time the system get the additional time in case this time exist.
So this is a error, because in case of we need to shutdown the flag for don’t see the addition time the quotes will continue looking this time and will occur bugs.
So we need add this flag in intl-partner-delivery respository too.
Task 1 - Add flag to control if will use additional time
Add Flag in src/modules/restaurants/availability/handlers/restaurant-delivery-time-handler.ts
Use the same flag of other enviroments of back-end:
We need to add the flag and adjusted unit tests and adjust other flow that have impact because this change.
How to integrate the environments localy