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External Offers allow markets to link users to benefits that are outside the App. Guests are redirected to a partner’s webpage that is not included inside the app. With this we hope to allow markets to benefit from partnerships that are relevant to their brands and to improve user acquisition in the app.

How does it work?


To see the events related to this feature, please refer to:

How is it configured?


In order to enable the feature please follow the below steps

Lokalise strings



Sanity Setup

There are 2 sections to setup External Offers in Sanity:

  • (1) Create an External Offer

  • (2) Publish Live External Offers List

Create an External Offer

  1. In Sanity, go to Order Level Content > Loyalty > Offer Configs > Live Offers

  2. Click on create inside External Offers folder

  3. When you are in the External Offer document, the Test Only toggle controls whether the External Offer will be visible in Production environment or only lower environments for testing

  4. Image and Background image refer to the image of that External Offer

  1. Title, Subtitle and Description fields show on the External Offer Details page

  1. Under Button Configuration, Operator can configure the name and path of the first and second buttons in the External Offer details page


Note: the second button (“Terms and Conditions”) is an optional button that can redirect the user to terms and conditions within or outside the app

  1. If the Authenticated Required Toggle is turned on, users need to be signed into the app to be able to access the offer. If the Authentication Required Toggle is off, users can redeem the offer even when they are logged out


Note: When Authentication Required Toggle is On and users need to be Signed in to Access the Offer, Operators can edit the Content in the external offer under the Content for Unauthenticated Users dropdown (e.g. remove the benefit code from title / description)

  1. Under the Content for Unauthenticated Users dropdown, operators can edit Title and Description only for users that are logged out and open an External Offer that is accessible for Signed in Users (this happens when the Authentication Required toggle is On)

We offer operators the ability to edit the content of the external offer for unauthenticated users so that they can hide sensitive information for offer redemption (e.g. the offer code)

  1. Under External Offer Modal, operators can edit the Title and Description of the modal that is triggered before users get redirected outside of the App

  1. Under Loyalty Tiers section, operators can select if the External Offer is only available for Tier 2 (Superking Tier) or if they are available for all Loyalty Tiers

Publish Live External Offers List

  • Under Content Dropdown configure all the content that will show in the Invitation Code page in the user's Account Section

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  • Under Modal after Signing Up with Referral Code dropdown, configure the content to show in the modal after a new user signs up using an Invitation code


Note: The image shown on the modal is the image configured within the Challenge

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  • Under Modal when user successfully unlocks Invitation Code Benefit dropdown, configure the content to show in the modal after new user unlocks Invitation Code Benefit to show for both existing user and new user


Note: The image shown on the modal is the image configured within the Challenge

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  • Under Content, inside the Invitation Code Benefit Challenge benefit, add the content related to the Locked Offer, which will be shown in the offer’s list when the user does not yet meet the challenge requirements.

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  • Under Mechanics add the Config Challenge the user must complete in order to unlock the Invitation Code on Sign Up benefit

    • More information on Challenges here Challenges

    • It needs to be a Config Challenge given this challenge will only be available for users that use Invitation Code

    • In the config Challenge you can set the rules for the user to unlock the benefit and set what is the benefit (e.g. the below example means that user needs to complete a first order with minimum spend of $10 to unlock an Offer of 50% off)

      • The rule Number of Uses needs to be set to 1, so the Offer benefit only gets unlocked once for the existing user that referred his friend and the new acquired user


Note: If the Benefit is an Offer the Offer needs to be a Config Offer (to just show to specific users)

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  1. In order to show the External Offers in the app, operators need to add them to the Live External Offers list under Order Level Content > Loyalty > Offer Configs > Live External Offers

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  2. Under the Live External Offers List operators can list in order the External Offers they would like to show in the App.


External Offers feature will be enabled, once you add External Offers to this list and publish this page.

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  1. Under External Offer Empty State, operators can configure the Title, Description, Image, Button Text and link show if no external offers are configured

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