Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

This refinement details the necessary changes for the search by phone to work in admin tool documented in Search customer by phone in Admin App .





Delivery order

Phone number is mandatory to close the order

Creates record using the order’s phone number

Not delivery order but user has a phone added to his account

Phone number is not mandatory

Creates record using the user’s account phone number if it doesn’t exist already

Not delivery order and user hasn’t added a phone to his account

Phone number is not mandatory

Doesn’t create a record

Pros and cons


  • Uses existing lookup record structure

  • Search will work with both phone numbers included in the order or in the user account

  • Doesn’t require phone verification

  • Doesn’t require migration scripts, the search will work as long as the user has made one order after the feature release


  1. Commit an order with delivery.dropoff.phoneNumber +222222


  2. Validate record in database


  3. Searching phone in support tool


  4. Customer details


Validate SA market solution


Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA
Saudi Arabia team are implementing the possibility to sign up by phone, which has some overlaps with the changes needed for admin app.


After confirming that SA market is deployed in eu-central-1 AWS Region, I could find user records created in Dynamo indexed by phone:


With this information, I was able to validate that the search could work in admin app:


Since this is just a proof of concept, the example is not working perfectly. For example, the search bar is not showing the customer name and the phone in Customer Details page is wrong but this issues would be fixed during the development.

  1. Searching by phone

    image-20240118-064400.pngImage Removed

  2. Result


Code changes

In this section are listed the changes made for this validation in intl-packages and intl-admin-app repositories.



Code Block
  public getByPhoneNumber(
    phoneNumber: string,
    searchByUserServiceLookup = false,
  ): Promise<IUserItem | undefined> {
    return searchByUserServiceLookup
      ? this.usersDynamo.getByUserServicePhoneLookup(phoneNumber)
      : this.usersDynamo.getByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber);


Code Block
  public async getByUserServicePhoneLookup(phoneNumber: string): Promise<IUserItem | undefined> {
    const lookupItem = await this.userLookupByPhone.getByUserServiceLookup(phoneNumber);
    if (lookupItem) {
      if (lookupItem) {
        const cognitoId =;
        const user = await this.getById(cognitoId);
        return user;
    return undefined;


Code Block
  public async getByUserServiceLookup(
    phoneNumber: string,
  ): Promise<IUserLookupByPhone | undefined> {
    const dynamoSearch = {
      ExpressionAttributeValues: {
        ':pk2': this.createUserServicePk(phoneNumber),
        ':sk2': this.createUserServiceSk(),
      IndexName: 'brand-index-2',
      KeyConditionExpression: 'pk2 = :pk2 AND begins_with(sk2, :sk2)',
      TableName: this.tableName,

    const { Items } = await this.executeWithRetry(DynamoMethods.query, dynamoSearch);
    const Item = Items?.[0];
    return Item ? cast(Item, TUserLookupByPhone) : undefined;


The changes can be found in .

Validate phone number updates

The user search, either by phone or emails, depends on the pk2 value of the user record in dynamo that necessarily has to have a phone number or an email, for example:

phone number:




Therefore, we can only search a customer by phone number or email, but not both. Besides this issue, another problem is the update of the phone number. Today the change would only be reflected in user.details.phoneNumber and not in pk2 (check code below), which leads to the search by phone only working with the first number registered.

user-lookup-by-phone.repository.ts (

Code Block
  public async update(updatedUser: IUser): Promise<void> {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    const { cognitoId, ...userItem } = updatedUser;

    let updateExpressions = DynamoDB.getUpdateExpressions(userItem);

    updateExpressions = {
      ExpressionAttributeValues: {
        [':phoneNumber']: updatedUser.details.phoneNumber,

    await this.dynamoClient
        ConditionExpression: '#details.phoneNumber = :phoneNumber',
        Key: { pk: updatedUser.cognitoId, sk: this.createSk() },
        TableName: this.tableName,


Necessary changes - summary


User Service API: Adapt GET user endpoint to also search by phone number


User Service API: Adapt the create method in user service to create a lookupByPhoneNumber record if a phone number is informed


User Service API: Adapt update-user lambda to update or create a lookupByPhoneNumber record if the phone number changed


User packages: Change getByPhoneNumber to use User Service API instead of directly accessing the database


Admin App Backend: Create a GraphQL query to request customers by phone number


Admin App Frontend: Add the option to search customers by phone using the new query


DynamoDB: Develop a migration script to create lookupByPhoneNumber for existing customers


Search customer by phone sequence diagram:


Necessary changes - details


  1. Include the isVerified field in IUserLookupByPhone Interface:

Code Block
export interface IUserLookupByPhone {
  pk: string;
  pk2: string;
  sk: string;
  sk2: string;
  isVerified: boolean;
  1. Create lookupByPhoneNumber record after creating the user in dynamo inside the pre-signup lambda, but only if a phone number is informed:

  2. Update the lookupByPhoneNumber record if an user update is triggered and includes the phone number:

  3. Adapt the get user endpoint to have an phoneNumber query field, that searches by phone:

  4. Create a LaunchDarkly Flag and request it via a backend query ( )




  • Create a GraphQL query that uses the searchByPhone method exposed by intl-packages

  • Update the UI to display the search by phone number option


Solution 2

The solution 2 uses the exact same strategy of solution 1, the only difference is that it proposes to update the lookup record structure so that it can link multiple phone numbers to multiples customers. Below is an suggestion of the new record:

Code Block
  pk: `phone_user#${cognitoId}`,
  pk2: `phone#${phoneNumber}`,
  sk: `createdAt#${createdAt}`,
  sk2: 'createdAt#${createdAt}',

With these changes the search by phone will return a list of customers instead of single one and avoid the problem of manual record deletion that solution 1 requires. However, the support tool front end will also have to be adapted so that customer support can choose which one they want to check given the list of customers associated with that phone number.

Pros and cons


  • Search will work with both phone numbers included in the order or in the user account

  • Doesn’t require phone verification

  • Doesn’t require migration scripts, the search will work as long as the user has made one order after the feature release

  • Allows the association of multiple phone numbers with multiple customers


  • Require the development of a new page in support tool front end to select which customer they want to check

  • Although very unlikely, there is a scenario where a single phone number is linked to many customers and this might make the process to finding the right one cumbersome