It has been found that between the Payment and the Purchase steps in the funnel, Popeyes ES has scope for improvement in comparison with other markets (e.g.: Germany).
Popeyes ES abandonment rate is about the 11.8%
Info |
List here which are the metrics to look at to define success for the solution implemented. Use those KPIs to define the current status |
Importance | What do we want to measure? | Description | How are we measuring it? |
Primary metric | Number of errors produced while processing payment | We would like to decrease this number. Amplitude We expect to see a higher number of conversions. | Amplitude |
Primary Metric | Number of incidences in Customer Support related to Payments issues | We would like to decrease this number. | ?? |
1️⃣ Stakeholder Interviews
These are the markets current behavior (check it better on Figma): https://www.figma.com/design/wEeYkRHLwLdMJHKvQJOdd0/%5BIBFEC-1795%5D-Remove-Pre-filled-Name-On-Card-field?node-id=8800-22023&t=5jsIyQ5hjfO3p8nJ-4
Burguer King