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Note: this doc is NOT finalized.


Sanity Setup - Loyalty


The Loyalty Offer contained in the Promo Code has to be a Systemwide Loyalty Offer.

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  • Set up the



  • Because this Loyalty Offer is only assigned to the users having Promo Code, this Offer wouldn’t be shown in Offer list, in the Sanity setup, need to toggle the button Hide This Offer from Offers List, to hide it from Offer list.

    image-20240611-035530.pngImage Added
  • Get the sanity id of the Offer

Voucherify Setup

  1. Log into Voucherify instance

    • This can be different for different markets

  2. In the left sidebar click ‘Campaign Hub - Campaigns’ and click the Create campaign in the top right to create a new campaign 


  3. Select Discount Coupons.


  4. Determine if you want bulk codes or a standalone code. Add a name and description for the campaign. This will only be visible for voucherify users. Confirm redemption limits and the number of codes to generate. You can also define the Code format(e.g. length and pattern) in Advanced code settings section. Click Next Step when done.


    See Voucherify documentation for more detail

  5. Set the time duration if required. Click Next Step when done.

  6. Set the discount to Rewards, and set the Free product and Units quantity. Do not need to add any validation rules. Click Next Step when done.


  7. Set up Metadata


    To add or edit the metadata. Paste keep the Key as sanityId, and paste the sanity_id from Sanity to fill the Value. This is required for the promo code to work. Click Next Step when done.


    For example, in this above case, the sanity id is 8eb47981-xxxxxx in Sanity, the Value should be set as 8eb47981-xxxxxx
