Changes in intl-users-service
Create block user endpoint
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title | intl-userusers-service |
Create block user endpoint Endpoint: POST /api/v1/users/block-user/{cognitoId} Add isBlocked field to user details base interface Use UpdateService to set is blocked to true
Create unblock user endpoint
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| intl-user-service | Endpoint: POST /api/v1/users/unblock-user/{cognitoId} Use UpdateService to set is blocked to false
Prevent blocked users from signing in
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| intl-user-service | Create UserBlockedError apollo error
(ex:)Add isBlocked validation in the listed resolvers: createOTP createLoginOTP signInJWT socialLogin
User not found validation for reference
Changes in intl-packages
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title | intl-packates/packages/user |
Add isBlocked to userDetails type Create method to block user Should use axios to trigger a request to user service
Create method to unblock user Should use axios to trigger a request to user service
Changes in intl-whitelable-graphql
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title | intl-whitelable-graphql |
Add isBlocked to userDetails type
Changes in intl-whitelable-app