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The Live Offers document contains a list of all the offers that will show up in the app. It also allows operators to configure the order in which the offers show up in the app’s offer list.
Offers Empty States
If there are no offers configured in the app, these empty states will show for the user instead
You can configure the empty state with image, name, description and button
Offers Page Marketing Tiles
Here you can configure marketing tiles that show on the Offer’s list
When marketing tiles in Offer’s list are configured in Sanity, they show in user’s offer list
If marketing tile is configured with
, marketing tile shows on the top of User’s Offer ListIf marketing tile is configured with
, marketing tile shows on the bottom of User’s Offer ListIf marketing tile has
position (e.g. 7), this means the number chosen will correspond to its position in the offers list. 2 is the second slot at the top, higher numbers means lower position
Sorted Systemwide Offers
Offers added here are offers that are available to all users
The order that these offers are configured is the order they will show up in the app
Sorted Config Offers
Offers added here will only show up in a user’s offer list if they are assigned to that specific user
These offers will show on top of the user’s offer list in the order configured here
Show expiration timer for Offers
When true, a timer will be shown in the offer, according the hours defined in the Loyalty Between-Dates rule
Show closed offers as locked when user is signed out
If this toggle is turned on:
When users are signed out, offers that are only available for signed in will show as greyed out with a lock;
These offers are considered “Closed” offers given signed out users cannot redeem them in-store. Only signed in users, can redeem these offers in the restaurant.
When this toggle is turned off, no offers show up greyed out with a lock when a user is signed out.