Static Menu is the menu guests see on our platforms before selecting a service mode or a restaurant. Therefore, it is a region-wide brand menu without any pricing & availability information as no restaurant or service mode have been selected yet. Store Menu,on the other hand,is the menu displayed once those selections are done, hence it is the menu where the pricing information is displayed to the guests as well as whether menu items are available for purchasing.
Feature Static Menu
If a user already has items in the cart and selects a different store or service mode, one or more items could be unavailable. For example, the selected store could run out of ingredients or might not serve that specific menu item. In these cases, a modal will be presented to the user stating the below item(s) are not available.
Feature Static Menu is the feature to configure the Item Unavailable Modal above. It could be set up as follows.
First, configure the header of the modal:
Then, configure the body text of the modal.
And lastly, configure the image of the modal.
Menu Management
It’s important to note that menu management includes two topics: