You can send a request to GBS team via email gbsrequest@rbi.com.;
Restaurant Attribute Management (RAM) Portal https://ram.rbi.com/;
Sanity (CMS).
Learn more how to update restaurant information https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HELP/pages/4979458259/Restaurants+-+Getting+Started#How-do-I-update-restaurant-information?
Updating restaurant amenities images and names
Amenities are available services in each restaurant. You are able to set up a display of available amenities in each restaurant, which will show in the information modal of the restaurant:
For example:
Restaurant accepts credit card
Restaurant has baby changer
Restaurant has Wi-Fi
Restaurant Amenities cannot be created in Sanity, as they will be automatically synchronised from MDM.
You need to send a request to GBS team via email gbsrequest@rbi.com in order to update the Restaurant Amenities.
In Sanity, Under Order Level Content > Restaurants > Restaurant Amenities, you can change the icon and translations shown to guests in the restaurant info modal.