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Table of Contents | ||
Scenario 1: As a user, I should see the new Edit Payment Method form on the Payment method edit page
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP
Background: DOP Restaurants
Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page
Scenario: As an user I should see the new Edit Payment Method form on the Payment method edit page
Given I select a restaurant
When I access the Payment method edit page
Then I should see the new Edit Payment Method form on the left side following the Figma's design. |
Staging PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
Scenario 2: As a user I should see the elements on the Edit Payment Method form
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I should see the newelements on the Edit Payment Method form on the Payment method edit page Given I select a restaurant When I access the Payment method edit page Then I should I should see the <lements> on the Edit Payment Method form |elements Then I should see the new Edit Payment Method form on the left side following the Figma's design. |
Staging PLK ES
Scenario 2: As a user I should see the elements on the Edit Payment Method form
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I should see the elements on the Edit Payment Method form Given I select a restaurant | When I access the Payment method edit page |Activate/Desactivated Delivery Offline Payment Methods title Then I should I should see the <lements> on the Edit Payment Method form | |elementsDolar sign | |Activate/Desactivated Delivery Offline Payment Methods or Desactivated Offline payment methods for delivery orders. subtitle| |Payment methods title | |Dolar sign | |Payment methods activate and desactivate controls | |Activate or Desactivated Offline payment methods for delivery orders. subtitle| |Payment methods title |
Staging PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Q: There is a difference between Sanity and DOP: Credit card on delivery A: As I talked to the developer, we used the title existing on the WL because we already have the translation in Lokalise. So the values set on Sanity will not be displayed on DOP. | Passed | |
Scenario 3: As a user I should see the default value as null on all the active/inactive payment methods listed
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I should see the default value as null | |Payment methods activate and desactivate controls on all the active/inactive payment methods listed Given I select a restaurant When I access the Payment method edit page Then I should see the default value as null on all the active/inactive payment methods |listed |
Staging PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Q: |
there is info on Figma that the default status should be enabled, but as we discussed with the internal team, the default value must be null. | Passed | |
4: As a user, I should
NOT see values about “Allow Payment” on Sanity to a new restaurant
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOPSanity Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I should NOT see thevalues defaultabout value“Allow as nullPayment” on all the active/inactive payment methods listedSanity to a new restaurant Given I have selectaccessed a restaurant via Sanity When I access the Payment method edit pagemetadata information Then I should NOT see thevalues defaultabout value as null on all the active/inactive payment methods listed |
Staging PLK ES
“Allow Payment” |
Staging PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
5: As a user
I want to activate a payment method for one restaurant
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: Sanity Restaurants DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I should NOT see values about “Allow Payment” on Sanity to a new restaurant an user I want to activate a payment method for one restaurant Given I select a restaurant And I access the Payment method edit page GivenAnd I haveactivate accessed a restaurantpayment via Sanitymethod When I accessclick theon metadata informationsave Then I should NOT see values about “Allow Payment” see the activated payment methods on Sanity for that restaurant |
Staging PLK ES | Comments | Status |
*Two logs are being added to Sanity | Passed | |
6: As a user I want to
activate two or more payment methods for one restaurant
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I want to activate atwo or more payment methodmethods for one restaurant Given I select a restaurant And I access the Payment method edit page And I activate two aor more payment method When I click on save Then I should see the activated payment methods on Sanity for that restaurant |
Staging PLK ES | Comments | Status |
*Two logs are being added to Sanity
Passed | ||
7: As a user I want to
inactivate a payment method for one restaurant
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I want to activateinactivate two ora more payment methodsmethod for one restaurant Given I select a restaurant And I access the Payment method edit page And I activateinactivate two ora more payment method When I click on save Then I should see the activatedinactivated payment methods on Sanity for that restaurant |
Staging PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
8: As a user I want to inactivate
two or more payment
methods for one restaurant
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I want to inactivate atwo or more payment methodmethods for one restaurant Given I select a restaurant And I access the Payment method edit page And I inactivate two or amore payment method When I click on save Then I should see the inactivated payment methods on Sanity for that restaurant |
Staging PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
9: As a user I want to
activate a payment method and inactivate another one for one restaurant
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I want to inactivate two or more payment methodsactivate a payment method and inactivate another one for one restaurant Given I select a restaurant And I access the Payment method edit page And I inactivate two or more activate a payment method And I inactivate another payment method When When I click on saveI click on save Then I should see the activated payment method on Sanity for that restaurant ThenAnd I should see the inactivated payment methodsmethod on Sanity for that restaurant |
Staging PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
10: As a user I want to activate a payment method
a restaurant group
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I want to activate a payment method and inactivate another one for onea restaurant group Given I select a restaurant group And I access the Payment method edit page And I activate a payment method And I inactivate another payment method When I click on save Then I should see the activated payment method on Sanity for that restaurant on save AndThen I should see the inactivatedactivated payment methodmethods on Sanity for all the restaurants that restaurant |
Staging PLK ES
are related to the group |
Scenario 11: As a user I want to activate a payment method for a
large amount of restaurants
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I want to activate a payment method for a restaurant grouplarge amount of restaurants Given I select a a restaurant grouplarge amount of restaurants And I access the Payment method edit page And I activate a payment method When I click on save Then I should see the activated payment methods on Sanity for all the restaurants that are related to the group |
DEV BK | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
Scenario 12: As a user I want to activate a payment method and inactivate another one for a large amount of restaurants
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I want to activate a payment method and inactivate another one for a large amount of restaurants Given I select a a large amount of restaurants And I access the Payment method edit page And I activate a payment method And I inactivate another payment method When I click on save Then I should see the activated payment method on Sanity for all the restaurants And I should see the inactivated payment methodsmethod on Sanity for all the restaurants |
DEV BK | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
13: As a user I
should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As ana user I want to activate a payment method and inactivate another one for a large amount of restaurants Given I select a large amount of restaurants And I access the Payment method edit page And I activate a payment method And I inactivate another payment method When I click on save Then I should see the activated payment method on Sanity for all the restaurants And should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms Given I select a restaurant When I access the Payment method edit page Then I should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms |
DEV BK | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
Scenario 14: As a user I should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms as null
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As a user I should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms as null Given I already had a restaurant as null When I access the Payment method edit page Then I should see the inactivatednew paymentactive/inactive methodcontrols on the SanityCash forlimitation allforms the restaurants |
as null |
Scenario 15: As a user I should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms as active
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As a user I should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms as active Given I already selecthad a restaurant as active When I access the Payment method edit page Then I should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms as active |
Staging BK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
16: As a user I should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms as
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As a user I should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms as nullinactive Given I already had a restaurant as nullinactive When I access the Payment method edit page Then I should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms as nullinactive |
Staging BK ES | Comments | Status |
17: As a user I
want to active/desactive a payment method of the one restaurant but I do not want to change the cash limitation rules
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As a user I want to active/desactive a payment method of the one restaurant but I do not want to change the cash limitation rules Given I select a |
restaurant |
And |
I |
access |
the |
Payment |
method |
edit |
page |
And |
I |
active/desactive |
a |
payment |
method |
When I |
click |
on |
save |
Then I should see the |
existing values regarding the cash limitation on the |
Sanity |
restaurant page. |
Staging BK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
Scenario 18: As a user I
want to active/desactive a payment method of two or more restaurants but I do not want to change the cash limitation rules
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As a user I should see the new active/inactive controls on the Cash limitation forms as inactive want to active/desactive a payment method of two or more restaurants but I do not want to change the cash limitation rules Given I alreadyselect had a restaurant as inactive WhenAnd I access the Payment method edit page And I active/desactive a payment method When I click on save Then I should see the newexisting active/inactive controls onvalues regarding the Cashcash limitation on formsthe Sanity as inactive |
restaurant page. |
Staging BK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
Scenario 19: As a user I should be able to edit the cash limitation information
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As a user I should be able to edit the cash limitation information Given I select a restaurant And I access the Payment method edit page And I change the cash limitation information When I click on save Then I should see the values regarding the cash limitation on the Sanity restaurant page. |
Staging PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
Scenario 2: As a user I want to see the payment methods that are activated for a restaurant on WL
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I want to see the payment methods that are activated for a restaurant on WL Given I have the follow activated payment methods for a restaurant |activate-payment-methods| |Cash | |Ticket Restaurant | |Sodexo | And I go to the WL and select the restaurant that has the activated payment methods When I go to the payment screen Then I should see the activated payment methods available on the dropdown |activate-payment-methods| |Cash | |Ticket Restaurant | |Sodexo | |
DEV PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
Passed |
Scenario 3: As a user I do NOT want to see the payment methods that are inactivated for a restaurant on WL
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Feature: Allow Payment methods by DOP Background: DOP Restaurants Given I have accessed DOP Restaurants Page Scenario: As an user I do NOT want to see the payment methods that are inactivated for a restaurant on WL Given I have the follow inactivated payment methods for a restaurant |activate-payment-methods| |Cash | |Ticket Restaurant | |Sodexo | And I go to the WL and select the restaurant that has the inactivated payment methods When I go to the payment screen Then I should NOT see the inactivated payment methods available on the dropdown |activate-payment-methods| |Cash | |Ticket Restaurant | |Sodexo | |
DEV PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
Passed |
Scenario 4: As a user I want to see the payment methods that are inactivated for a restaurant when the order is via take out WL
DEV PLK ES | Comments | Status |
Passed | ||
Passed |
Scenario 5: As a user I do NOT want to see the payment methods that are activated but the feature flags disabled for a restaurant on WL