Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Service mode

Payment method

Time firing

Evidence / Comment

App ordering

POS injection

Expected behavior


Pick up / Dine In

Credit card


App: image-20250228-190840.png

POS: image-20250302-212859.png image-20250302-213243.png

  • Receipt prints immediately when order is placed. ✅

  • DSS stickers print immediately. ✅

  • Order goes to KDS and ORB immediately. ✅



Pick up / Dine In

Credit card


App: image-20250228-191317.png

POS: receipt prints image-20250303-071600.png, stickers at time of firing image-20250303-071701.png , KDS/ORB at time of firing image-20250303-072616.png

  • Receipt prints immediately upon placing the order, but order does not appear on KDS or ORB. ✅

  • I selected 2:30PM, receipt shows order is to be injected at 2:31PM (“Tiempo para inicio”). ✅

  • Order does not appear in “Open orders” on the POS. ✅

  • Order is sent to the KDS at the selected time. DSS stickers print at the selected time. ✅

  • Order does not appear in the ORB on the selected time. (error)

(error) (missing ORB)

Order appears on ORB at selected time.


Pick up / Dine In



App: image-20250228-192315.png

POS: DSS stickers print image-20250303-072109.png , open orders page image-20250303-072011.png , paying order image-20250303-072222.png , KDS/ORB after paying image-20250303-071928.png

  • Receipt does not print immediately. ✅

  • DSS stickers print immediately. (error)

  • Order goes to the ORB and KDS immediately. (error)

  • Order appears under “Open orders” in the POS. ✅

  • When order is selected in “Open orders” and paid, customer receipt is printed. ✅


Order is only sent to KDS and ORB once it’s paid, even if selected time is “Now".


Pick up / Dine In



App: image-20250228-192932.png

POS: paying order image-20250303-072351.png , receipt and DSS print image-20250303-072410.png , KDS/ORB upon paying image-20250303-072709.png

  • Receipt and DSS stickers do not print immediately. ✅

  • Order does not go to ORB immediately. ✅

  • Order appears under “Open orders” in the POS. ✅

  • When order is selected in “Open orders” and paid, customer receipt is printed, order is sent to KDS and ORB, DSS stickers print. ✅


(Selected future time for unpaid orders doesn’t matter as order can only be fired when paid)


Drive Thru



App: image-20250228-193957.png

POS: DT open orders page image-20250303-072850.png , paying order image-20250303-072923.png , KDS/ORB after paying image-20250303-073051.png

  • Receipt and DSS stickers do not print immediately. ✅

  • Order does not go to ORB immediately. ✅

  • Order appears under “Open orders”in the DT POS. ✅

  • When order is selected in “Open orders” and paid, order is sent to KDS, DSS stickers print. ✅ Customer receipt is not printed (question)

  • Order is not sent to the ORB as it is a DT order. ✅


(Is customer receipt sent to a separate DT printer?)


Drive Thru

Credit card


App: image-20250228-194925.png

POS: DT open orders page image-20250303-073508.png , paying order image-20250303-073425.png , DSS stickers after paying image-20250303-073357.png , KDS/ORB after paying image-20250303-073617.png

  • Receipt and DSS stickers do not print immediately. ✅

  • Order does not go to ORB immediately. ✅

  • Order appears under “Open orders”in the DT POS. ✅

  • Order requires payment. (error)

  • When order is selected in “Open orders” and paid, order is sent to KDS, DSS stickers print. ✅ Customer receipt is not printed (question)

  • Order is not sent to the ORB as it is a DT order. ✅


Same as cash drive thru, but no need to pay the order as it’s already paid. Team members can look up the order and fire it to the kitchen.


Table service

Credit card


App: image-20250228-195424.png

POS: receipt/DSS image-20250303-073820.png, ORB/KDS image-20250303-073858.png

  • Receipt prints immediately when order is placed. It contains the table number. ✅

  • DSS stickers print immediately. Controller sticker contains table number. ✅

  • Order goes to KDS immediately. ✅

  • Order is not sent to the ORB as it is a table service order. ✅



Table service




We should disable cash payment for table service, there’s no use case.

App: image-20250228-195800.png

POS: DSS stickers image-20250303-073952.png , ORB/KDS image-20250303-074020.png

  • Receipt does not print immediately. ✅

  • DSS stickers print immediately. (error)

  • Order goes to the KDS immediately. (error)

  • Order appears under “Open orders” in the POS. ✅

  • When order is selected in “Open orders” and paid, customer receipt is printed. ✅


Order is only sent to KDS and ORB once it’s paid at the front counter.





App: image-20250228-205316.png

POS: paying order and manually firing image-20250303-074427.png , ORB/KDS image-20250303-074300.png

  • Order appears under “Open orders” in the POS. ✅

  • When order is selected in “Open orders” and paid, customer receipt is printed, order is sent to KDS and ORB, DSS stickers print. ✅

  • Firing command from Deliverect does not fire the order (Timely Kitchen Injection). (error)

  • Tender ID: 606 ✅

✅ (manual firing)

(error) (fire command TKI)

Order is fired to kitchen even if unpaid. Driver will collect the money.



Credit card


App: image-20250228-210236.png

POS: open orders page image-20250303-083124.png , receipt print image-20250303-083045.png , DSS stickers print image-20250303-081912.png, ORB/KDS image-20250303-081453.png

  • Order appears under “Open orders” in the POS. ✅

  • When firing command from Deliverect is received, the receipt is printer. However, the order does not appear on the KDS or ORB at that time, and DSS stickers aren’t printed. (error)

  • Instead, the receipt contains a future injection time (“tiempo para inicio” at 4:09PM). Order is sent to KDS/ORB/DSS at that time (error)


Order should be sent to KDS/ORB/DSS when firing command is received.





Not enabled in BK MX






Credit card


Not enabled in BK MX



