Versions Compared


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For the “promo code in the offers page” feature there have been many different validations. Some of them are set via Sanity and some others on the Voucherify platform.

For the "promo code in the checkout page” feature the validations were not changed, however, we performed some tests to make sure they are still working very well.

We have listed below the results and basically, we had the same results when the user applied the promo code on the offers page.

Through Offers Screen and Through Checkout Screen

How does it work if you do the pure flow through the offers screen?

Do the rules work and are they applied/considered?

Sanity rules result:

Sanity Rules

Offers page: Does it work?

Checkout page: Does it work?

Offers page: Notes

Checkout page: Notes

Message displayed:




After being applied, the offer has a limited number of times to be used.

After being applied, the offer has a limited number of times to be used.


Loyalty Between Dates



It is possible to apply and complete a purchase even with an

expired coupon.

coupon out of between of the dates.

It is possible to apply and complete a purchase even with an an coupon out of between of the dates.

No validation message is displayed.




It is not even feasible to apply the offer if it is out of the eligible days' range, and if you set the current day to an eligible day after being added to the cart, it is not possible to complete the purchase.

It is not even feasible to apply the offer if it is out of the eligible days' range, and if you set the current day to an eligible day after being added to the cart, it is not possible to complete the purchase.

"User not eligible for this offer."




After the first purchase, it is not even possible to apply the coupon again, it says that the user is not eligible for the offer

After the first purchase, it is not even possible to apply the coupon again, it says that the user is not eligible for the offer

"User not eligible for this offer."

Loyalty Between Times




applying to offers, a successful toast returns, but the offer does

trying to apply a new offer, a error message shows and the order do not appear in the list, and if

and if


you set the current time to an eligible time after being added to the cart, an offer not available message appears.

It is possible to apply the coupon, but it is not allowed to complete the purchase, as it returns an error.

"User not eligible for this offer."

Cart Requirements



Regardless of whether the cart contains the mandatory item, whether as an item alone or contained in a combo, it is not possible to add the offer to the cart through the offers screen.

Regardless of whether the cart contains the required item, whether as an item alone or contained in a combo, it is not possible to add the offer to the cart via the checkout screen.


Subtotal spend



It is possible to apply the offer and add it to the cart, but the purchase is only completed when the mandatory amount has been spent considering the offer discount.

You can apply the offer but the purchase is only completed when the mandatory amount has been spent considering the offer discount.

Minimum order ...

Payment Method



It is possible to apply the offer and add it to the cart, but the purchase can only be completed if the payment method is the same as the mandatory one.

It is possible to apply the offer and add it to the cart, but the purchase can only be completed if the payment method is the same as the mandatory one.

Warning message: "You must pay with Credit in order to redeem this offer."
If the user selects another payment method:
"We encountered an error creating your order."

Cool Down



Regardless of the time after a redemption, it is possible to apply and add to the cart and complete the purchase.

Regardless of the time after a redemption, it is possible to apply and complete the purchase.

No validation message is displayed.




It is not possible to apply the offer, nor add to the cart if the user was not created between the requested dates.

It is not possible to even apply the offer to the cart if the user was not created between the requested dates.

"User not eligible for this offer."

Restaurant Group Restrictions



Even if the selected restaurant is not included in the group allowed for the offer, it is possible to apply, add to the cart, and complete the purchase without any problem.

Even if the selected restaurant is not included in the group allowed for the offer, it is possible to apply and complete the purchase without any problem.

No validation message is displayed.

Service Mode Restrictions



The offer does not even apply if the service mode is not the same as the mandatory one.

It is possible to apply the offer but the purchase can only be completed if the service mode is the same as the mandatory one.

"This offer is only available for Delivery."

Transaction Count



When the number of transactions required was a number above 1, the rule prohibited the application of the coupon, until I changed it to 1, to confirm that the rule worked, from then on, there were no more bans, at any time I could apply the coupon, add it to the cart and complete a purchase with the coupon, which was not expected.

When the number of transactions required was a number above 1, the rule prohibited the application of the coupon, until I changed it to 1, to confirm that the rule worked, from then on, there were no more bans, at any time I could redeem and complete a purchase with a coupon, which was not expected.

No validation message is displayed.

Cart Limit



Regardless of the number of redeems already made, the offer can be applied and used in a purchase.

Regardless of the number of redeems already made, the offer can be applied and used in a purchase.

No validation message is displayed.

User Birthday



It is only possible to apply the offer if the user is within the time frame close to the user's birthday.

It is only possible to apply the offer if the user is within the time frame close to the user's birthday.

"User not eligible for this offer."

Is Stackable



This rule is deprecated

This rule is deprecated.


Cart Requirement Exclusion

Yes (partly)

Yes (partly)

If the cart contains the mandatory exclusion item, but only for the individual item, it is possible to add the offer to the cart via the offers screen, but the purchase is not completed, as it returns an error.

If the cart contains the mandatory exclusion item, but only for the individual item, it is possible to apply the offer, but the purchase cannot be completed, as an error is returned.

"Remove ineligible items in your cart in order to redeem."

Authentication required



Because you must already be logged in to add a product to the cart.

Because you must already be logged in to add a product to the cart.


Email verified required

Does not apply

Does not apply

For the PLK ES market, it is not possible to log into an account without verifying the email.

For the PLK ES market, it is not possible to log into an account without verifying the email.


Loyalty Tier requirement

Does not apply

Does not apply

This rule does not work for offers, only for rewards.

Through Checkout Screen

Does it work if I try to validate the rule by applying the offer directly through checkout, without going through the offers screen?

Do the rules work and are they applied/considered?

This rule does not work for offers, only for rewards.


Voucherify rules result:

Voucherify Rules

Offers page: Does it work?

Checkout page: Does it work?

Offers page: Notes



But the flow is impacted because there is currently no logic for reusing the offer applied through the checkout screen, despite this, the offer remains in the cart even after the first use, without the need to apply again, which can be considered a bug .

Loyalty Between Dates


It is possible to apply and complete a purchase even with an expired coupon.



It is not even feasible to apply the offer if it is out of the eligible days' range, and if you set the current day to an eligible day after being added to the cart, it is not possible to complete the purchase.



After the first purchase, it is not even possible to apply the coupon again, it says that the user is not eligible for the offer

Loyalty Between Times


It is possible to apply the coupon, but it is not allowed to complete the purchase, as it returns an error.

Cart Requirements


Regardless of whether the cart contains the required item, whether as an item alone or contained in a combo, it is not possible to add the offer to the cart via the checkout screen.

Subtotal spend


You can apply the offer but the purchase is only completed when the mandatory amount has been spent considering the offer discount.

Payment Method


It is possible to apply the offer and add it to the cart, but the purchase can only be completed if the payment method is the same as the mandatory one.

Cool Down


Regardless of the time after a redemption, it is possible to apply and complete the purchase.



It is not possible to even apply the offer to the cart if the user was not created between the requested dates.

Restaurant Group Restrictions


Even if the selected restaurant is not included in the group allowed for the offer, it is possible to apply and complete the purchase without any problem.

Service Mode Restrictions


It is possible to apply the offer but the purchase can only be completed if the service mode is the same as the mandatory one.

Transaction Count


When the number of transactions required was a number above 1, the rule prohibited the application of the coupon, until I changed it to 1, to confirm that the rule worked, from then on, there were no more bans, at any time I could redeem and complete a purchase with a coupon, which was not expected.

Cart Limit


Regardless of the number of redeems already made, the offer can be applied and used in a purchase.

User Birthday


It is only possible to apply the offer if the user is within the time frame close to the user's birthday.

Is Stackable


This rule is deprecated.

Cart Requirement Exclusion

Yes (partly)

If the cart contains the mandatory exclusion item, but only for the individual item, it is possible to apply the offer, but the purchase cannot be completed, as an error is returned.

Authentication required


Because you must already be logged in to add a product to the cart.

Email verified required

Does not apply

For the PLK ES market, it is not possible to log into an account without verifying the email.

Loyalty Tier requirement

Does not apply

This rule does not work for offers, only for rewards.

Checkout page: Notes

Message displayed:

Unexisting promo code



It is NOT possible to redeem the offer and the discount is not applied. The user receives the message validation.

It is NOT possible to redeem the offer and the discount is not applied. The user receives the message validation.

"Invalid Promo Code Entered"

Voucher expired on voucherify



It is NOT possible to redeem the offer and the discount is not applied. The user receives the message validation.

It is NOT possible to redeem the offer and the discount is not applied. The user receives the message validation.

"The code you entered has expired"

Promo code that has already been burned



It is NOT possible to redeem the offer again and the discount is not applied. The user receives the message validation.

It is NOT possible to redeem the offer and the discount is not applied. The user receives the message validation.

"The code you entered has already been redeemed"

Once per customer



It is NOT possible to redeem the offer again and the discount is not applied. The user receives the message validation.

It is NOT possible to redeem the offer and the discount is not applied. The user receives the message validation.

"Invalid Promo Code Entered"

Apply the same voucher that is currently on the cart



It is NOT possible to redeem the offer again and the discount is not applied. The user receives the message validation.

It is NOT possible to redeem the offer and the discount is not applied. The user receives the message validation.

"Code already applied"