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Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario Outline: As an user I should see an message about the cancellation order - Paypal
    And I start a payment process with Paypal
    When I cancel the order via Paypal modal
    Then I should be see the modal with the <title_message>, the <message_description> and the <modal_cta>
        |title_message      |message_description                            |modal_cta          |
        |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |Go Back to Checkout|

*Check if there will be specific content related to Paypal on the modal instead of a generic cancellation message.

Scenario 2: Validate the message when the user cancels the order via Bizum

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario Outline: As an user I should see an message about the cancellation order - Bizum
    And I start a payment process with Bizum
    When I cancel the order via Bizum modal
    Then I should be see the modal with the <title_message>, the <message_description> and the <modal_cta>
        |title_message      |message_description                            |modal_cta          |
        |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |Go Back to Checkout|

*Check if there will be specific content related to Bizum on the modal instead of a generic cancellation message.

Scenario 3: Validate the message when the user cancels the order via a PSP (credit cart)

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario Outline: As an user I should see an message about the cancellation order - PSP (credit cart)
    And I start a payment process with any PSP (credit cart)
    When I cancel the order via credit cart
    Then I should be see the modal with the <title_message>, the <message_description> and the <modal_cta>
        |title_message      |message_description                            |modal_cta          |
        |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |Go Back to Checkout|

*Check if there will be specific content related to Bizum on the modal instead of a generic cancellation message.

Scenario 4: Validate the message when the user cancels the order via Waylet

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario Outline: As an user I should see an message about the cancellation order - Waylet
    And I start a payment process with Waylet
    When I cancel the order via Waylet app
    Then I should be see the modal with the <title_message>, the <message_description> and the <modal_cta>
        |title_message      |message_description                            |modal_cta          |
        |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |Go Back to Checkout|

*Check if there will be specific content related to Paypal on the modal instead of a generic cancellation message.

Scenario 5: Validate the message when the user cancels the order via Apple pay

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario Outline: As an user I should see an message about the cancellation order - Apple pay
    And I start a payment process with Apple pay
    When I cancel the order via Apple pay app
    Then I should be see the modal with the <title_message>, the <message_description> and the <modal_cta>
        |title_message      |message_description                            |modal_cta          |
        |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |Go Back to Checkout|

*Check if there will be specific content related to Paypal on the modal instead of a generic cancellation message.

Scenario 6: [Regression testing] Validate if the existing errors still are working properly

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario Outline: As an user I should see the correct title error, modal description and modal cta according to the mapped errors on the Lokalise
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I simulate the error <simulate_error>
    When I attempt to place a new order
    Then I should be see the modal with the <title_message>, the <message_description> and the <modal_cta>
        |simulate_error |title_message        |message_description                                                                                                    |modal_cta           |
        |2.100          |Card type invalid    |Your card is not enabled to allow this payment at the moment. Please, contact your bank or try another payment method. |Pay another way     |
        |2.100.001      |Validation error     |The payment transaction was declined. Please check the card name, card number, CVV, expire date and try again.         |Review Informations |

Scenario 7: [Regression testing] Validate if the layout and responsive were kept on the existing error modal

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario Outline: As an user I should see that the correct layout and responsive were kept on the existing error modal
    And I start a payment process with Paypal
    When I cancel the order via Paypal modal
    Then I should be see the layout and responsive being kept on the existing error modal in each platform <platform>

        |platform      |
        |Chrome desktop|
        |Safari desktop|
        |Android app   |
        |iPhone app    |

Scenario 8: Validate if the cta on the modal redirects the user to the cart page and the order is not placed

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario: As an user I should see the cta on the modal redirects the user to the cart page and the order is not placed
    And I start a payment process with Paypal
    And I cancel the order via Paypal modal
    When I click on the modal error cta button
    Then I should be redirect to the cart page
    And I should not see my order being placed

Scenario 9: Validate the modal using a different language according to the translation available on the Lokalise

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
    And I have the content of the error "2.005" translated to another language, e.g. Portuguese available on the Lokalise
  Scenario Outline: As an user I should see the content of the modal with the correct translation according to the Lokalise
    Given I set PT language on Whitelabel
    When I simulate the error "2.005"
    Then I should be the title, the description and the cta according to the values available on Lokalise


Scenario 10: [Analytics] Validate the attributes being sent on the modal appearance event

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario Outline: As analytics user I should see the attributes being sent on the existing modal appearance event
    And I start a payment process with <payment_method>
    And I cancel the order via <payment_method>
    When the modal error is displayed
    Then I should see the attributes added on the existing Modal Appearance event to the Amplitude: custom_event_type: others, ModalHeader <modal_header>, ModalMessage <modal_message> and Source Page: /cart/payment
    And I should be see the modal with the <title_message>, the <message_description> and the <modal_cta>
        |payment_method |modal_header       |modal_message                                  |
        |Paypal         |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |
        |Bizum          |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |
        |Waylet         |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |
        |Credit cart    |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |

*Check if there will be specific content related to Paypal on the modal instead of a generic cancellation message.

Scenario 11: [Analytics] Validate if an attribute was removed on the existing modal appearance and if an attribute is being sent as "null”

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature - cancellation order
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario Outline: As analytics user I should see the attributes removed on the existing modal appearance event
    And I start a payment process with <payment_method>
    And I cancel the order via <payment_method>
    When the modal error is displayed
    Then I should see the attribute removed on the existing Modal Appearance event to the Amplitude: Message
    Then I should see the attribute as null on the existing Modal Appearance event to the Amplitude: MessageErrorMessage

        |payment_method |
        |Paypal         |
        |Waylet         |
        |Credit cart    |

Scenario 12: [Analytics] Validate if the new custom event “Error” is being triggered when the modal is displayed

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have all the errors mapped on the Lokalise
    And I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
  Scenario Outline: As analytics user I should see new custom event when the error modal is displayed
    And I start a payment process with <payment_method>
    And I cancel the order via <payment_method>
    When the modal error is displayed
    Then I should see new custom event when the error modal is displayed to the Amplitude: event_name: Error, custom_event_type: others, Error Code <simulate_error> , Name <name>, Source Page: /cart/payment, Response Title <response_title>, Response Description <response_description> 
        |payment_method |name |response_title     |response_description                           |
        |Paypal         |?    |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |
        |Waylet         |?    |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |
        |Credit cart    |?    |Purchase cancelled |Your purchase has been successfully cancelled. |

*Check if there will be specific content related to Paypal on the modal instead of a generic cancellation message.

Scenario 13: [Analytics] Validate analytics when the user set a different language from the default

Code Block
Feature: Detailed payment error messages feature
  Background: Whitelabel Homepage
    Given I have accessed Whitelabel's Home Page
    And I have the content of the error "2.005" translated to another language, e.g. Portuguese available on the Lokalise
  Scenario Outline: As an user I should see the content of the modal with the correct translation according to the Lokalise
    Given I set PT language on Whitelabel
    When I simulate the error "2.005"
    Then I should be the title, the description and the cta according to the values available on Lokalise

Scenario 14: [Analytics] Validate the modal using a different language according to the translation available on the Lokalise




Test scenario


How to execute(step-by-step)

Expect Result



[Non-Vaulted card] Check if the fields are displayed below card details

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.

  1. Access the WL and go to the payment screen.

  2. Choose the "Add new card" option.

  3. Check if the fields are displayed below the card details.

  • Check field labels

  • Check if the field types

  1. The fields must be:

Email (text field)
Phone Number (text field)
Use the delivery address (checkbox)
Address Line (text field)
City (text field)
State (text field)
Postal Code (text field)
Country (text field)


[Non-Vaulted card] Check if the Use the delivery address (checkbox) is displayed only when the order is a delivery

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.

  1. Access the WL and select a restaurant via takeout.

  2. Go to the payment screen.

  3. Choose the "Add new card" option.

  4. Check if the Use the delivery address (checkbox) is NOT displayed.

  1. The Use the delivery address (checkbox) is displayed only when the order is a delivery.


[Non-Vaulted card] Check if the email field is pre-filled

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.

  1. Access the WL and go to the payment screen.

  2. Choose the "Add new card" option.

  3. Check if the email field is pre-filled with the same email of the user logged in.

  1. The email field is pre-filled with the same email of the user logged in.


[Non-Vaulted card] Check if the phone number is pre-filled

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.

  1. Access the WL and go to the payment screen.

  2. Choose the "Add new card" option.

  3. Check if the phone number field is pre-filled with <>.

  1. the phone number field is pre-filled with <>.

Missing definition.


[Non-Vaulted card] Check if the hide/display the address fields when the user check/uncheck the new checkbox

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.

  1. Access the WL and go to the payment screen.

  2. Choose the "Add new card" option.

  3. Check the "Use the delivery address" checkbox.

  4. Check if the address fields are hidden.

  5. Uncheck the checkbox.

  6. Check if the address fields are displayed again.

  1. The address fields must be hidden when the user checks the checkbox.

  2. The address fields must be displayed when the user unchecks the checkbox.


Non-Vaulted card] Check if the fields are required - asterisk

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.

  1. Access the WL and go to the payment screen.

  2. Choose the "Add new card" option.

  3. Check the asterisk is displayed in front of the placeholder of each new field, except on the checkbox.

  1. The asterisk must be displayed in front of the placeholder of each new field:

Email (text field)
Phone Number (text field)
Address Line (text field)
City (text field)
State (text field)
Postal Code (text field)
Country (text field)


Non-Vaulted card] Check if the fields are required - required messages

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.

  1. Access the WL and go to the payment screen.

  2. Choose the "Add new card" option.

  3. Click on the "Place Secure Order" button without filling in the required fields.

  4. Check if the required message is displayed below in each field.

  1. The required message must be displayed below if each field:

Email (text field)
Phone Number (text field)
Address Line (text field)
City (text field)
State (text field)
Postal Code (text field)
Country (text field)

Question: How will the message be displayed? Currently, the required messages are displayed one by one.
Are we going to follow this behavior? My suggestion is to change this behavior and display all the required messages at the same time. We should change this for the older fields as well.


[Non-Vaulted card] Check if the new fields L&F is following the Figma's design

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.

  1. Access the WL and go to the payment screen.

  2. Choose the "Add new card" option.

  3. Check if the elements L&F is following the Figma's design:

  • font-style (font-family, font-size,font-color, font-weight).

  • background color

  • position of the elements

  1. The elements of L&F must be following the Figma's design.

Figma link:

Question: It missing Figma's link.


Check "Pre-auth” flow

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.


Check "Non Pre-auth” flow

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.


[Vaulted card] flow

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.


Ticket restaurant flow

  1. VISA/Sibs FF enabled.


Regression testing when the new FF is disabled