When guests place orders online via the guest app or website, these are converted into different “service modes” by the restaurant, as follows:
The purpose of this document is to cover all of these flows. Note that, for the purposes of online ordering, pick up and dine in are handled with a single flow.
All scenarios assume that:
Guests have either downloaded the app, or are accessing the web;
Guests have either created an account, or are using the Guest Checkout feature.
Pick-up (and Dine-In)
Steps | Examples | Guest downloads the app or access it in the web |
Guest created an account (in markets that have guest checkout available this step can be skipped)Guest chooses the restaurant they would like to order from Guest chooses offer(s) and adds them to their cart Guest checks out and pays for pick-up online order When close to the restaurant, guest taps “I’m here”. This triggers the order injection into the POS.
Info |
In some markets the “I’m Here” step is not active. In that case, the order is injected when payment is completed. |
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When guest arrives at the restaurant, guest clicks the button “I'm Here ” Then when The order is injected into the POS The restaurant prepares the order When the order is ready, guest picks up the order at the front counter of the restaurant
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Steps | Examples |
Guest downloads the app or access it in the web Guest created an account (in markets that have guest checkout available this step can be skipped) Guest inputs their Delivery address Guest enters the address where they would like their order to be delivered Guest chooses offer(s) and adds them to their cart Guest checks out and pays for delivery order
| Screen Recording 2024-08-09 at 3.39.52 PM.mov |
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Steps | Examples |
Guest downloads the app or access it in the web Guest created an account (in markets that have guest checkout available this step can be skipped) Guest chooses the restaurant they would like to order Guest chooses offer(s) Guest checks out and pays for drive-thru online order
| Screen Recording 2024-08-05 at 10.10.59 AM.mov |
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Table service
Steps | Examples |
Guest chooses the restaurant they would like to order from Guest chooses offer(s) and adds them to their cart Guest choses table service at checkout and inputs table number into the guest app of where he is sitting on
| Screen Recording 2024-08-12 at 10.09.39 AM.mov |
Info |
Table service ordering can also be done by arriving to the restaurant, sitting on a table and scanning the QR code on the table. This will redirect guests to the guest appor web to place the order. The table number will already be pre-filled in. |
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The order is injected into the POS The restaurant prepares the order When the order is ready, the TM brings the order to the guest’s table
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