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Marketing Content → Static Pages |
What’s the feature Agreements?
It allows FZ to configure Agreements, such as Terms and Conditions to be prompted to the customer and get the consentment (acceptance) to allow him/her continue using the app and follow compliance.
In order to configure Agreements Feature, FZ can define the static pages to be prompted to the customer using Sanity (Marketing Content → Static Pages):
There is one toggle called "Requires User Acceptance”. For example, in RBIberia, the following static pages has the toggle turned ON : Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Privacy Policy RBI. It turns the acceptance required, and if it’s toggled
If the toggle is on, any changes published update on the three pages will generate a new static page will reflect on a popup to be accepted by the user.
After any changes to these static pages, the update_at date will be updated as well.
But to prevent any undue changes in the static pagescustomer in the app:
Note: Configurator needs to force one update in each of the static page that you want to show in the pop-up. It can accomodate a list of pages containing a link.
Note |
What if FZ updated an agreement static page by mistake? The modal can be prompted improperly to the customer. To prevent any undue changes, there is a flag created that works within integration with sanity called “Switch Update Date Acceptance Agreement” |
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This flag has |
"Variations” for each environment |
If this feature flag is turned on and any of these dates are in the future, the date from sanity will be ignored
that supports an array of Sanity Ids and UpdateAt dates, which overrides the value that is configured in Sanity. In other words, the date from the feature flag will be considered a priority |
There is a solution for this case: we can consider the date from the feature flag to be in DynamoDB as well, but it can impact in an unethical way because it will look like the user has accepted some agreements that didn't exist.
over sanity. Despite of that, note that the app still stores (in the database) the customer acceptance date based on the Sanity static page updateAt. It means that this flag was not meant to be with updateAt dates that are larger than Sanity’s updateAt (or future dates). In other words, it was meant to be used when you want to bring back the configuration of the agreement updateAt date. This flag should be used with caution and should be normally turned off. |
Feature Account Updated Agreements
Info |
MarketingContent → features → Account → Feature Account Updated Agreements |
The configuration of the text that is displayed to the customer can also be customized using Sanity via with Feature Account Updated Agreements.
It enables the FZ to override the value that is defined in Lokalise. It supports localization in any language.
Marketing Comms checkbox in Agreements Modal
The Updated Agreement modal still offers the possibility to capture again those customers who disabled the marketing comms manually in the app: