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⚙️ Vendor Configs

Last update:15

The current vendor configs setup has the following fields: rPOS, rPOS Delivery,

  • SimplyDelivery Tablet


  • SimplyDelivery Tablet Delivery


  • Toshiba Loyalty

  • Partner

  • Partner Delivery



Deprecated Vendor Config fields:

  • rPOS fields: those fields we’re added to enable the direct integration between our platform and rPOS. Given that we’re no longer pursuing an integration with rPOS


  • .


We will be removing the rPOS fields to declutter and simplify the UI.

  • Tablet fields: these are legacy fields which we planned to use for SimplyDelivery at the beginning of the project.

We aren’t using these fields anymore.


We removed these fields to declutter and simplify the UI - 17th May 2024.

  • SimplyDelivery Tablet fields: these fields are used for the SimplyDelivery order payload. Currently we only have Delivery enabled (Simply Delivery Tablet Delivery field), although Pick Up might be enabled in the future (Simply Delivery Tablet).

    • However, SIDES does not perform a PLU check on items we’re sending – that’s because we’re not sending the order directly to the POS, but instead sending it to the SIDES’ tablet. Therefore, SIDES will generally accept items as long as they have a name and a price. 

    • That’s why all the SimplyDelivery PLUs are set to match the Sanity ID (which is a long alphanumeric code – e.g. 75e80b14-5548-4a39-8bc2-3267450feb61) as a Constant PLU

    • So SIDES does not ‘care’ about the PLU we’re sending and the actual value of the PLU is not relevant to them.


  • Toshiba Loyalty field: this field will be used to input the Toshiba PLUs which Toshiba, Acrelec and Tillster use as part of the Loyalty integration.

Princing & Availability

The Digital Operation Portal - DOP is used to manage availability & pricing. Sanity is used to manage content.

Sanity and the DOP must be used in conjunction when setting up the ordering menu. Teams using each tool must coordinate for any new launches or menu changes.
For an item to be orderable, it needs to be available and have a price in the DOP. The DOP will then connect that price with the menu item using the PLU in Sanity.

  • E.g. Medium/Small menus need to be set as unavailable in the DOP if they are not available for ordering in the App. Sanity PLU configuration should not be used to manage availability.

🔍 Root cause analysis

Product launch (07th March 2024)


As a result, this item is available on the Static Menu, however since the user selects a specific store, this item is not available and the user will get a message to inform this behaviour.

🗃️ New format of CSV


  • The new CSV upload should process the mass upload format instead of the current format.

  • The name of file should follows the pattern: {brand}-{country}-{channel}-{identifier}.csv

    • eg. bk-de-delivery-1.csv

  • The file should be CSV (not XLSX)

  • All countries should be in ISO2 format (eg. PT, DE, ES etc.)

  • Including an availability column to indicate if items are to be set available (1) or unavailable (0). Any item not included in the file will be left in the same status that it was.

  • File format to be processed (+ the lateNight.price column as an optional column):


  • If the file name, format or column order is not matching the requirements, throw this error: ‘'The file couldn’t be processed because of one of the following reasons:

    • It doesn’t follow the right naming format.

    • It is not a CSV file (e.g. it is an XLS file).

    • The column order or column names are different than expected.

    • Please use the template file with the instructions provided under this page: [Confluence URL to Franchisee KnowledgeBase with Instructions on CSV Upload & A Template File]‘'


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