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Order-Level Content → Menu → Legacy Offers


What are Legacy Offers?

These are offers that are not managed through the loyalty engine. A market will use them when they do not have loyalty available or want offers that are not only for loyalty members.

Offer are what we use for coupons and discounts. Offers typically have their own plus in their respective POS map.

Editing offers


This is the name of the offer that will show in the platform, so must be edited according to your marketing guidelines.

Internal Name

The name that will be displayed in Sanity - it will help you quickly identify and organize your offers.

Localized Image

This is the image that is shown for the offer.

You will see a section for App and Kiosk, the reason for this is to give you the flexibility to set up different pictures for platforms where experience is different


Best Practices Tip

Remember choosing a picture without a background will look better, remove noise, and turn the guests' focus to the actual purchase 🍔 🍟

Image Description

This will be the text for the alt attribute on the image.

titleWhat is the alt attribute?

The alt attribute is the HTML attribute used in HTML and XHTML documents to specify alternative text (alt text) that is to be rendered when the element to which it is applied cannot be rendered.

It is also important for SEO purposes, as this description is what allows search engines (like Google) to connect this image to a search. By adding the Plant-based Whopper description, there is a chance users will find this image in Google Images, which can lead to traffic in the platform (wink)


This is the description for the offer once clicked on.

Add Tags

This section is to add tags to your offer created in the tags section to be able to send these attributes to mParticle and in amplitude or other tools be able to create your cohorts more efficiently.

Example: Tag 1- 1$ off coupon, Tag 2- Beef Coupon

More Info

In some cases we want the offer to have its own disclaimer as it might be a particular one. Offers by default tend to display the disclaimer set in Feature-> Feature Disclaimers → Offer disclaimer. However, if this field “More Info” within the offer document is filled out it will overwrite the default disclaimer by the one set up in More Info.

How To Redeem

The explanation to guests of how to redeem the offer


This is the benefit of the offer, eg the combo or item you will receive for redeeming the offer. This piece is key for the offer to work. Please follow the following guidelines.

  • Always create a combo for the offer benefit, no matter if it is a discounted item like Whopper for 1$ or a special promo like 3,99$ chicken fries.

  • Combo creation:

    • Name: ‘Offer – [Offer name]”

    • Main Item: Insert the main item of the offer – if offer is “£3.99 WHOPPER® Meal” Main item is Whopper. If the offer has 2 main items – “2 WHOPPER® Meals”, insert “Combo Item – item_52947” as the main item

    • Options:

      1.   Combo Sides (this is a dummy for NCR config)

      2. Here we will include whatever combo slots we will create for this specific offer

        1. “£3.99 WHOPPER® Meal” - we will have 3 additional combo slots: Medium Combo Drinks and Regular Fries

        2. “2 WHOPPER® Meals” – we will have 6 additional combo slots: “Offer – Whopper”, “Offer – Whopper”, Regular Fries, Regular fries, Medium Combo Drinks and Medium Combo Drinks


    1. Make sure they are not the same combo slot, i.e., you can duplicate the combo slot and add both to the Combo

    2. In order to show modifier options, make sure to go to each “Offer – Whopper” combo slots and change UI Pattern to “show”

    3. Vendor Configs: for now you can insert ‘ignore’ in all fields

    except for Tablet which has to have the combo item id as a constant PLU (retrieve it from the path or by clicking on the 3 vertical dots at the top rightinspect id), but make sure you update the POS Vendors’ PLUs before POS integrated version launch!


Upsell Options

Add offers previously created that you want to be used as upsell. Any offer added here will be prompted as an upsell when the user clicks to redeem. With this feature, the brands will have the ability to offer the customer multiple up-sell coupons when they select a coupon.


Main Coupon :

  • 2$ Whopper

Upsell Coupons:

  • 3$ Whopper + Small Fries

  • 4$ Whopper + Nuggets

  • 7$ Whopper Meal

Short Code

Configure the code used for in-restaurant redemption.


Configure the time of day the offer is available. More information on dayparts can be found here Dayparts

Rule Set:

When set up these conditions must be satisfied in order to use the offer.

  • Date-Band - Set the start and end date of when the coupon is redeemable. Outside of these dates, the coupon will be filtered from the UI.

  • Day-of-week-Band - Boolean flag per day of the week. Those days that are set to true will be the only days on which the coupon shows on the UI / can be redeemed.

  • Time-Band - Set the start and end time of when the coupon is redeemable. Outside of these times, the coupon will be filtered from the UI – working to make it so that the coupon isn’t actually filtered, but rather shows a modal that says not redeemable until ____. Also outstanding work: must be able to read the local time of the restaurant/user to properly assess this prop

  • Cool-Down - Seconds until the user can redeem this offer again. Default is 0, so if not included, the user can reorder right away.

  • Limit - User can redeem this coupon ___ times per day/week/month/year. Must always specify the time interval here. If the limit is not included, the number of redemptions is unlimited.

  • Restaurant Group Restrictions: This will display the offer only in the store group that has been assigned to the offer.

  • Cart Property - The cart must satisfy the following restrictions in order for the offer to be redeemable (we check rulesets at price call and commit call). If you set the negate flag on this rule, it makes it so that these properties must not be true in order for the offer to be redeemable

    • subtotal rule - cart subtotal must be [< , >, =, etc.] ___ cents

    • service mode - service mode must be set to one of the following

  • Code Block
    • platform - specify that user’s platform must be one of the following:

  • Code Block
    • loyalty - (this will prob be deprecated.. turned out to have no use case for it.. or at least we do not yet)

  • Payment-Card-Type - specify that user’s payment must be one of the following:

  • Code Block
  • First-Order - Boolean flag, if true offer is only redeemable to users that have never purchased before

  • Requires Assignment - this is a string field.. write anything in this field to make it apply (“ “ works). If true, the coupon has to be assigned via Braze webhook in order to appear for a guest to redeem. All Tim Hortons offers must have this rule.

  • Allow redemption without Login - this is a string field.. write anything in this field to make it apply (“ “ works). If true, users can redeem without having to sign in

  • AND - All of the sub-requirements of an AND rule must be true in order for the offer to be redeemable

  • OR - one of the sub-requirements of an OR rule must be true in order for the offer to be redeemable

  • Order-History - this is equivalent to a quest or locked offer - we are basing eligibility based on PAST purchase behavior.

    • All order-history offers must either have a date band (did the user satisfy the criteria between these dates?) or a past seconds requirement (did the user satisfy the criteria in the last week?)

      • Between dates are inclusive of the dates listed

      • Past n seconds is calculated in SECONDS so you must convert if you want to calculate days, weeks

    • If the order of events matters, set the sequence matters flag to true

    • All top level rules will have an accompanying checkbox on the UI

Offer Price:

£1.99 would be 199

Vendor Configs

This is where the PLU and PLU configurations are done.

In your brand and country Sanity environment, you will see the Service Mode Groups (Pickup and Delivery) and POS used, as well as the Tablet system in place, in case some restaurants use a POS without order injection integration.



In the example above, please note that rPOS will include the PLU of items for all Pickup service modes (Takeaway, Dine-in, Drive-thru, Curbside), whereas rPOS Delivery refers to the PLU of items for delivery only.

For each Service Mode Group (Pickup and Delivery), you will need to configure the correct PLU.


The Vendor Configs play a key role at our systems, as they are the bridge between the digital and the physical world. For that reason, we have created a comprehensive guide just for this topic.


 How to display the offers in the Front end?


Features Offers → Main → Menu Configurations → Sorted Offers

Add the offers you want in the list, then depending don't the rulesets when fulfilled the offer will appear in the Frontend for users

Coupon Options (What is the benefit of the coupon?) - BK & PLK


'For Two' Coupons

Option is a combo with Sicom/NCR PLUs the same as the offer PLU. Carrols should have PLU type 'ignore'. Set the main item to 'Combo item' and set the item that comes with the coupon in the comboslots. WE CANNOT REPEAT A COMBOSLOT HERE!!! You must duplicate if you want to reuse preexisting work.


'1 item' Coupons

Option should be a combo with Sicom/NCR PLUs the same as the offer PLU. Carrols should have PLU type 'ignore'. Please set the main item to 'Combo item' and set the item that comes with the coupon in the comboslots. Use $1 Large Fries as a template


'Preexisting Combo' Coupons

Option should be a combo with Sicom/NCR plus the same as the offer PLU. Carrols should have PLU of the actual combo as it is sold normally. Please set the main item to the normal combo main item, and add the side/drink in the comboslots. Use $5 Crispy Chicken Meal as a template


'Wacky New Combo' Coupons

For any combo of items that we do not normally sell together, ie: 2 oreo shakes. Option should be a combo with Sicom/NCR plus the same as the offer PLU. Carrols should have PLU type 'ignore'. Please set the main item to 'Combo item' and set the items that come with the coupon in the comboslots. Use 2 oreo shakes as a template.


'In Restaurant Redemption Only' Coupons

Set the option to ‘Dummy Item for Restaurant Only Coupon -- DO NOT USE’ (_id: Lj4sBINzEO93P6iQCkyFCf)


'$ Off' Coupons

John/Jorge to detail how to set these up


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