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The Feature Nutrition widget in Sanity enables the content teams to manage what nutritional fields are displayed in the whitelabel application (under the Nutrition & Allergen modal), as well as the order those fields are displayed.


The Feature Nutrition widget cannot be utilized if the PDF upload option is used for displaying N&A information in the whitelabel application.

Feature Nutrition Configuration

Nutrition & allergen information is displayed in applicable menu item documents within Sanity as follows:


Each nutrition & allergen value that is desired to be displayed in the whitelabel application should be added to the tables within the Feature Nutrition widget with their Nutrition Key (e.g. calories, fat, sodium):



The widget display options are configured at a market-level, it is not possible to determine a custom list of values or ordering at a product-level.


Please reach out to your CSM to enable the mentioned LD flags in Production or Staging for your brand.

To enable Nutrition Explorer, configure the LD Flag enable-feature-nutrition-integration as TRUE, and if you would also like the allergens to display enable enable-nutrition-explorer-allergens as TRUE.

Once the enable-feature-nutrition-integration is set to TRUE, then the nutritional & allergen information in the whitelabel application becomes read as-is from Sanity based on the values in the Feature Nutrition widget. That is, rounding of values and conversions (e.g. kJ, per 100g) are not performed automatically by whitelabel, but are managed and read directly from the Feature Nutrition widget.


Please reach out to your CSM to enable the mentioned LD flags in Production or Staging for your brand.


Sanity document for Items/Combos/Modifiers contains two different nutrition configs: nutrition & nutritionWithModifiers. Whether the whitelabel app relies on the nutrition or nutritionWithModifiers from the Sanity document to showcase nutritional values is controlled by this flag.


To omit units from values, select "Omit Unit from Value" under Feature Nutrition => Edit Nutrition Item. This change allows for greater flexibility and control over what is displayed in the description, without automatically displaying units next to values on the Whitelabel platform:



Product Size

The configuration option Product Size has been added to Sanity to indicate the serving size together with the nutrition values. This enhancement is valuable for markets where the serving size is legally required to be shared.
