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  • This line was added.
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Document Status


Document Owner(s)

Goncalves, Felipe


Table of Contents

🛠️ Potential Solutions


  • Given that the user accesses the Loyalty Transactions, Orders, and Recent Orders screens,

  • When the transactions are loaded,

  • Then the system should display the following information in order:

    • Initial Points

    • Points Earned (regular points and bonus points)

    • Points Used burned (displayed as a negative value, e.g., “-60”)

    • Transaction Points balance (points earned minus points used)

    • User's Final Points in that order.


titleAdd the “current value points” on GQL to each order

File: src/remote/queries/fragments/intl-loyalty-transaction.ts
In const INTLLoyaltyTransactionFragmentForTimeline add:

Code Block
transactionDetails {
  person {


Return the currentPoints for each user order. We can verify if this value is reflected on the src/components/intl-loyalty/points-balance.tsx (Layout Transaction) screen.


We can see the discussion about this in this thread:
The labels are:


titleCreate a Feature Flag

Name suggestion: display-points-balance
Local: Intl Tech - Platform
Type: Temporary


titleImprove Loyalty Transactions Screen

File: src/components/intl-loyalty/points-balance.tsx

  • Label “Balance“ to “Points Balance“

  • Label “Total“ to “Total transaction points““Transaction balance“

  • Add “ - “ before “Points used”burned”

    • Add “-“ only in numbers greater than 0'

      • points used: 0

      • points used: -123

  • Add field “Initial points balance“

    • Calculate value: totalPoints - pointsEarned - poinstUsed

  • Add field “Final points balance“

  • Add “bonusPoints” on “pointsEarned”

image-20240821-173423.pngImage Removed

image-20240828-191133.pngImage Added

titleImprove Recent Orders Screen

File: src/components/customer-orders/order-timeline-item.tsx

  • Attention - Some labels have changed, but Figma has not been updated:

    • Total Transaction Points → Transaction balance

    • Points Used → Points Burned

  • Change from Line to Collapsible item - Points Balance

  • Label “Points“ to “Points Balance“

  • Label “Awarded“ to “Earned“

  • Label “Redeemed“ to “Used“

  • Add field “Initial points balance“

    • use transaction?.loyaltyTransaction?.pointsBalance

  • Add field “Points earned“

  • Add field “Poinst used““Points burned“

    • Add “-“ only in numbers greater than 0'

      • points used: 0

      • points used: -123

  • Add field “Total transaction Points““Transaction balance“

    • pointsEarned - pointsUsed consider bonusPoints as well

  • Add field “Final points balance“

    • transaction?.loyaltyTransaction?.pointsBalance + (pointsEarned - pointsUsed) consider debits as well

image-20240821-173524.pngImage Removedimage-20240829-111852.pngImage Added

titleImprove Order Details Screen

File: src/components/points-details-card/index.tsx

  • Attention - Some labels have changed, but Figma has not been updated:

    • Total Transaction Points → Transaction balance

    • Points Used → Points Burned

  • Add field “Initial points balance“

  • Add “ - “ before “Points used”burned”

    • Add “-“ only in numbers greater than 0'

      • points used: 0

      • points used: -123

  • Add filed “Total transaction points““Transaction balance“

    • pointsEarned - pointsUsed consider bonusPoints as well

  • Label “Balance“ to “Final points balance“

    • pointsBalance + (pointsEarned - pointsUsed) consider debits as well

image-20240821-173549.pngImage Removedimage-20240829-111936.pngImage Added

titleCreate new utils with functions to calculate transactions values

Local src/utils/…

  • function to calculate initial points value

  • function to calculate earn points value (earn + bonus)

  • function to calcutate transaction points value (earn + bonus - used)

  • function to calculate final point value (balancePoints + (pointsEarned - pointsUsed) )



Expected Results

If the FF is enable

Show new fields on the screens:

  • Loyalty Transactions

  • Orders

  • Recent Orders

Existing orders with the status CLAIMED

Show the order with earned values, used values, transactions, initial points, and final points.

In this status, the calculation must change the user's final points.


Existing orders with the status CONFIRMED

Show the order with earned values, used values, transactions, initial points, and final points.

In this status, the calculation must not change the user's final points.

After complete delivery this status change to CLAIMED or VOID


Existing orders with the status VOID

Show the order with earned values, used values, transactions, initial points, and final points.

In this status, the calculation must not change the user's final points.

image-20240821-175734.pngImage Removed


If the user has 2 or more order with CONFIRMED

Show the order with earned values, used values, transactions, initial points, and final points.

In this status, the calculation must not change the user's final points.

After complete delivery this status change to CLAIMED or VOID

For each order, the initial and final points are the same because confirmed transactions do not accumulate points.

If the user has 2 or more order with CONFIRMED and change to VOID

Show the order with earned values, used values, transactions, initial points, and final points.

In this status, the calculation must not change the user's final points.

The order change to VOID and don’t change the final poins

If the user has 2 or more order with CONFIRMED and change to CLAIMED

Show the order with earned values, used values, transactions, initial points, and final points.

In this status, the calculation must not change the user's final points.

The order change to CLAIMED and change the final poins

If the user has 2 or more order with CONFIRMED and change one to CLAIMED and other to VOID

Show the order with earned values, used values, transactions, initial points, and final points.

In this status, the calculation should adjust the user's final points solely based on the value of the order that has been marked as claimed. The void should be completely disregarded, as its values are outdated.


If the oldest order is successfully completed (CLAIMED) and the most recent one fails (VOID), the value of the CLAIMED order will impact the final points. However, the VOID order will not impact the points and will retain its initial and final values as outdated, since when an order is marked as VOID, it is not considered.


