Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Response of success is a big data, for this response we need to call the query with result valid and between hours work valid.

P.S. this doesn’t return the additional time:

titleResponse with restaurant available
Code Block
  "data": {
    "deliveryRestaurant": {
      "deliverySurchargeFeeCents": 0,
      "nextEarliestOpen": null,
      "quote": "QUOTE_SUCCESSFUL",
      "quoteId": "d9227070-a23e-46e9-9d82-6a3f535e29ec",
      "restaurant": {
        "drinkStationType": null,
        "id": "cbf4d9b3-35cf-402e-9a7b-6ffdbeff1c3c",
        "_id": "cbf4d9b3-35cf-402e-9a7b-6ffdbeff1c3c",
        "storeId": "1111",
        "isAvailable": true,
        "posVendor": "PARTNER",
        "chaseMerchantId": null,
        "curbsideHours": {
          "monOpen": "00:01:00",
          "monClose": "23:59:00",
          "tueOpen": "00:01:00",
          "tueClose": "23:59:00",
          "wedOpen": "00:01:00",
          "wedClose": "23:59:00",
          "thrOpen": "00:01:00",
          "thrClose": "23:59:00",
          "friOpen": "00:01:00",
          "friClose": "23:59:00",
          "satOpen": "00:01:00",
          "satClose": "23:59:00",
          "sunOpen": "00:01:00",
          "sunClose": "23:59:00"
        "deliveryHours": {
          "monOpen": "00:01:00",
          "monClose": "23:59:00",
          "tueOpen": "00:01:00",
          "tueClose": "23:59:00",
          "wedOpen": "00:01:00",
          "wedClose": "23:59:00",
          "thrOpen": "00:01:00",
          "thrClose": "23:59:00",
          "friOpen": "10:01:00",
          "friClose": "23:59:00",
          "satOpen": "00:01:00",
          "satClose": "23:59:00",
          "sunOpen": "00:01:00",
          "sunClose": "23:59:00"
        "diningRoomHours": {
          "monOpen": "00:01:00",
          "monClose": "23:59:00",
          "tueOpen": "00:01:00",
          "tueClose": "23:59:00",
          "wedOpen": "00:01:00",
          "wedClose": "23:59:00",
          "thrOpen": "00:02:00",
          "thrClose": "23:59:00",
          "friOpen": "00:01:00",
          "friClose": "23:59:00",
          "satOpen": "00:01:00",
          "satClose": "23:59:00",
          "sunOpen": "00:01:00",
          "sunClose": "23:59:00"
        "distanceInMiles": null,
        "driveThruHours": {
          "monOpen": "00:01:00",
          "monClose": "23:59:00",
          "tueOpen": "00:01:00",
          "tueClose": "23:59:00",
          "wedOpen": "00:01:00",
          "wedClose": "23:59:00",
          "thrOpen": "00:01:00",
          "thrClose": "23:59:00",
          "friOpen": "00:01:00",
          "friClose": "23:59:00",
          "satOpen": "00:01:00",
          "satClose": "23:59:00",
          "sunOpen": "00:01:00",
          "sunClose": "23:59:00"
        "driveThruLaneType": null,
        "email": null,
        "environment": null,
        "franchiseGroupId": null,
        "franchiseGroupName": "Burger King ES",
        "frontCounterClosed": null,
        "hasBreakfast": null,
        "hasBurgersForBreakfast": null,
        "hasCatering": null,
        "hasCurbside": true,
        "hasDelivery": true,
        "hasDineIn": true,
        "hasDriveThru": true,
        "hasTableService": true,
        "hasLateNightMenu": false,
        "hasMobileOrdering": true,
        "hasParking": null,
        "hasPlayground": null,
        "hasTakeOut": true,
        "hasWifi": null,
        "hasLoyalty": null,
        "isDarkKitchen": null,
        "isFavorite": false,
        "isHalal": null,
        "isRecent": false,
        "latitude": 41.6333797,
        "longitude": -0.9109282,
        "mobileOrderingStatus": "dev",
        "name": "ES Lab Restaurant Partner API",
        "number": "1111",
        "parkingType": null,
        "phoneNumber": "918-319-5008",
        "physicalAddress": {
          "address1": "Vía de la Hispanidad 15",
          "address2": null,
          "city": "Zaragoza",
          "country": "Spain",
          "postalCode": "50009",
          "stateProvince": "Zaragoza",
          "stateProvinceShort": null
        "playgroundType": null,
        "pos": {
          "vendor": "PARTNER"
        "posRestaurantId": null,
        "restaurantImage": null,
        "status": "Open",
        "restaurantPosData": {
          "_id": "e1f87ccb-0293-428f-8080-423e943d4a4c"
        "vatNumber": null
      "storeStatus": "OPEN"


In the file src/modules/quote/quote.service.ts. We have the retrieveFirstQuote function, and in this function it to do some validations and query for get restaurant.


In Called getEligibleDeliveryRestaurantData function and in this function get the restaurants validate for use.


After in this function the code have other called, the getWinningQuote:


And this Function call other function getQuotes, and this function return correct errors, inform that restaurant has errors, and the error is “The restaurant is closed”.


But after this the code, ignore this error and give an error forced, in return in case errors in retrieveFirstQuote is:


Because these are the errors ever are same thing, not has a treatment for the other flows.

Technical Solution




Other problem that occur is the additional time for delivery, and the back-end does not return this information, just the normal time, so we need to add this as well.

Technical Solution

Here is an illustration that resume what we need to implement to adjust this.



The code solution proposed here isn’t a final solution, is only a idea for the new flow!!!!!

Task 1 - create a feature flag



  • And the returned this function need to change too, because need pass the parameter nextOpenDate and adjusted of logic to return the data in case of eligible equals the false, in this validation we can validate if not have none eligible, so we use ineligible.

  • ATTENTION - we use ineligible restaurant just in case don’t have restaurant open



After: this is just an example for works anything restaurant, this is NOT a final solution


Just an example to fire throw: ATTENTION this is an example, is not a final solution, because we need to validate if we have restaurant validated too, in case have one restaurant validate we don’t fire an exception


Task 1 - Create a feature flag

  • Create a feature flag - ENABLE-DELIVERY-CLOSED-AT-MOMENT

Task 2 -


Add the additional hours in graphQL

We need to create a new fragment for add in Additional hour for use in operating hour fragment - src/queries/rbi/fragments/operating-hours-fragment.graphql

We need to run the command “yarn apollo:generate"

Task 3 - Adjusted front-end for get the status closed restaurant

  • In the file src/components/address-modal/index.tsx int the handleQuoteResult function we have a logic to check the status of delivery quotes, so we need to improve this logic, we can add more details and validate the statusStore. Also, we need to add new dispatch for delivery closed.


  • About the dispatch, we have a logic for it, and concise to get the status of quote and store, we need to create a new for closed restaurant, we need to create new types for AddressModalAction, have this in the POC.




4 - Create the component for show message of the restaurant closed

  • With this made, we can use this in moment for call a delivery and show the error correct in case of closed restaurant

  • ATTENTION - the component in line 641 is not to be use, we need to create a new component for use in this local.


  • We need change or create a new component for show message about closed restaurant. In this POC I’m use the component src/components/modal-no-delivery-stores-open/no-stores-open-delivery-modal.tsx this component don’t is used currently in the app, so we can change some thing and use, this is a example of component:

  • In the file of this component we need to change some things for work, for example we need to transform in a React component and pass the attribute for next open date.

  • The component to be create is this:



PS - the text for title and description is this:


  • Create this component in src/components/address-modal/new-component

  • We need to pass the next open date and next Day Open

  • The button "Use Different Address“ return to screen of search delivery.

Task 4 - Create a validation for enable/disable “Order Pickup” button

  • Need to validate if restaurant has a service mode "Order Pickup", case not we need to disable this button

    • validate if it has service mode correct

    • validate if this service mode is opened

  • Get information that back-end returned, you can get a storeId and source the information in Sanity, or get the RestaurantData of back-end and search in this object

POC - intl-whitelabel-app

The POC of this solution:


Task 1 - adjust packages for return additional hours


    • About the messages of delivery will be available:

    • If today is Monday at 8 AM and the restaurant open at 10 AM, so we need show a message “Delivery will be avaliable today at 10:00 AM”.

    • If today is Monday and the restaurant open tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10 AM, so need show “Delivery will be avaliable tomorrow at 10:00 AM”.

    • If today is Monday and the restaurant open (Weadnesday) at 10 AM, so need show “Delivery will be avaliable Weadnesday at 10:00 AM”.

  • The button "Use Different Address“ return to screen of search delivery.

Task 5 - Create a validation for enable/disable “Order Pickup” button

  • Need to validate if restaurant has a service mode "Order Pickup", case not we need to disable this button

    • validate if it has service mode correct

    • validate if this service mode is opened

  • Get information that back-end returned, you can get a storeId and source the information in Sanity, or get the RestaurantData of back-end and search in this object

POC - intl-whitelabel-app

The POC of this solution:


Task 1 - adjust packages for return additional hours

We have a problem for return the additional hours of delivery mode, currently the back-end don’t return this, the repository intl-delivery-service use the intl-packages of restaurant packages, in the file packages/restaurant/src/rbi-restaurant/operating-hours.ts have the formatOperatingHours function, and in this function have just normal hours, so we need to add additional hours in this function.





I can’t validate this function in develop environment, and this is just an example for the solution.Remember to create a new scenario in unit tests.


In the file src/functions/graphql/schemas/restaurant.gql we need to add a new interface for additional time and add this additional times in the OperatingHours interface.



After add all new fields, we need to run the command “yarn graphql:types” to generate the types for GraphQLfor additional time and add this additional times in the OperatingHours interface.



After add all new fields, we need to run the command “yarn graphql:types” to generate the types for GraphQL.



After intl-delivery-service found the restaurants, the system get the quotes in intl-partner-delivery repository. And in this repository it is get the times of Sanity again, and every time the system get the additional time in case this time exist.

So this is a error, because in case of we need to shutdown the flag for don’t see the addition time the quotes will continue looking this time and will occur bugs.

So we need add this flag in intl-partner-delivery respository too.

Task 1 - Add flag to control if will use additional time

Add Flag in src/modules/restaurants/availability/handlers/restaurant-delivery-time-handler.ts

Use the same flag of other enviroments of back-end:


We need to add the flag and adjusted unit tests and adjust other flow that have impact because this change.

How to integrate the environments localy

intl-packages, you need to remove some lines of node_modules/pino/lib/proto.js file:



  • yarn install

  • yarn build

  • go to packages of restaurant “cd restaurant"

  • run “yarn link", must show in console “success Registered "@rbilabs/intl-restaurant".”


  • create file .env with base .env.sample

  • yarn install

  • yarn build

  • connect with packages run: yarn link @rbilabs/intl-restaurant

  • start environment with command - STAGE=dev AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=326165771931 AWS_REGION=eu-west-3 BRAND=plk yarn start:debug  


  • add your address of int-delivery-service in file: src/functions/graphql/providers/delivery.ts


  • create a file .env with base .env.axample

  • yarn install

  • yarn build

  • start environment - export $(cat .env | xargs) && STAGE=dev AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=326165771931 AWS_REGION=eu-west-3 BRAND=plk yarn start:debug


  • in moment start environment with yarn start you must choose the config local in graphql


  • others config you can use development for all

This is a simple way for connect these environments, maybe you need to do more things.