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Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Business problem

Today the premium options items are below the regular items, and with that, Iberia is losing some possible upsell and wants more control over the premium options on the UI (check here for more details:Premium Options). The client Iberia asks for two options for this solution: the “short-term” solution and the “long-term” solution.


  • Corn

  • Option Premium +1€

  • Patatas

  • Option Premium +1,5€

Tasks breakdown

Task 1: Update front end and add logic to change position by feature flag in LD


  • Add a new


  • flag in


  • LD to control


  • Add the new toggle in Sanity shared-schema repothis new behavior/fix:

  • This new toggle will be available for all combo slot configurations


Label: Schroer, Gabriel

Description: Schroer, Gabriel

Task 2: Update front end and add logic to change position by toggle in Sanity


  • Update the sanity graphql to add this new toggle in the query: src/queries/sanity/fragments/combo.graphql
  • After updating the query, we need to adjust the ProductCustomizationOptions comp to use the new toggle from Sanity and add a new logic to adjust the order of the items by this toggle.

    • Comp path: src/components/product-detail/product-customization/product-customization-options.tsx

    • This is the part of the code that holds the logic for the list order. The first position of the array is for regular items, and the second object represents the premium options item. We can make a new function and change this to something dynamic based on the new toggle.The new value from Sanity will come in the comboSlot property that this component already has.flag


  • Condition the UI based on the new toggleflag

  • Test manually the logic

  • The premium options list should be ordered first if the toggle flag is ON and last if the toggle flag is OFF

  • Add a new UNIT test using the each from Jest to test if the behavior is correct based in the toggle flag value (true/false) if makes sense