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Table of contents

Table of Contents

Note: in addition to properties described in this page, events below also include common properties documented here: Attributes and properties


Event Name



Property Description

Loyalty User Created

When a Loyalty user is created. In markets where loyalty is enabled, this happens at the same time that a new user signs up.


Points added to the account when creation (could be subject to campaigns that add points when account created)

Loyalty User Updated

Triggered every time that a user’s loyalty points are updated.


Number of points in the user’s loyalty account, after a transaction has been made.

Loyalty Transaction Created

Triggered when any type of a loyalty transaction is created, including orders and point expiration. For orders, this event is triggered when an order is initiated and the transaction is in a Pending state. At this stage, the transaction is not completed yet. It will only be marked as completed once the ordering flow completes successfully (see Loyalty Transaction Claimed below).

For example, this event would be fired when a customer logins with their Loyalty OTP code in the Kiosk successfully (even if the customer has not completed the purchase in the Kiosk yet).


Additional points earned via promotion.


Brand, for example “BK”.


Can have the following values:

  • RESTAURANT: orders made in-restaurant

  • WEB: orders made on the web app

  • APP: orders made on the iOS or Android apps

  • INITIAL_POINT_BALANCE: we have certain markets that want brand new users to have a balance (i.e. sign up and get 100 pts). The INITIAL_POINT_BALANCE channel tracks those

  • POINTS_EXPIRATION: when points expire

  • CAMPAIGN: campaign is for transactions done via Braze campaigns that brands have setup

  • SUPPORT: when loyalty points are awarded to the user via the Support tool

  • REMEDIATION: REMEDIATION is for scripts that we've had to run to fix user balances

  • UNSUBSCRIPTION: When the user unsubscribes from the loyalty program, this channel is used to deduct the user’s points balance before deleting it from the db.


Date and time when the transaction was created


Offers redeemed on this transaction, if any


Sanity ID's for each offer redeemed in this transaction, if any


The partner that requested the loyalty points assignment


Base points earned


Points used to redeem


The type of POS from where this transaction was created. For example, NCR, SYCOM. TABLET corresponds specifically to the RBI tablet in use in some markets.


Specific POS vendor name, for example: ncr, Acrelec, Xenial Encounter.


The associated RBI Order Id


The fulfillment channel for the transaction. Can have one of the following values:

  • POS



  • EAT_IN





Restaurant ID related to a purchase


The rewards redeemed in this transaction


The Sanity ids for each reward in this transaction


Autogenerated code for easy lookup via support tool

Store Has Loyalty

MDM loyalty assignment

  • Feature flag: Differentiating Between Loyalty and Non-Loyalty Stores for In-Store Orders


MDM assigned store number


The total for the order


The promotions redeemed with this transaction


User's total loyalty points post transaction


The current status of the transaction:

  • PENDING: this will. be the status for all loyalty transactions created during the ordering process

  • CLAIMED: for non-ordering operations e.g. points expiry


  • VOID

Loyalty Transaction Claimed

When an order completes successfully, loyalty transactions that were previously in a Pending state change to Claimed and this event is triggered.


Note: Online transaction Claimed scenario is not covered by this event.

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Loyalty Cart Data

Cart data of the order.

  • Required properties: price, productId and quantity.

  • Optional properties: couponId, incentivePlu, lineId, name, parentReferenceId, plu, productType, rootReferenceId and tax.

In-Store Loyalty Transaction Claimed

Shorthand for Loyalty Transaction Claimed when channel is RESTAURANT.

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created



Note: Only when the transaction is created and claimed in different POS/Kiosk vendor

The posSystem different vendors from when transaction was created to when it was finalized, e.g. Tillster-Toshiba

Loyalty Cart Data

Cart data of the order.

  • Required properties: price, productId and quantity.

  • Optional properties: couponId, incentivePlu, lineId, name, parentReferenceId, plu, productType, rootReferenceId and tax.

Online Loyalty Transaction Claimed

Shorthand for Loyalty Transaction Claimed when channel is APP or WEB.

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Loyalty Cart Data

Cart data of the order.

  • Required properties: price, productId and quantity.

  • Optional properties: couponId, incentivePlu, lineId, name, parentReferenceId, plu, productType, rootReferenceId and tax.

Loyalty Points Expiring

When the user points are about to expire, an event indicating the amount of points and the future expiration date is fired. Triggered on defined days away: 1, 3, 7, 30, 60.


Note: This event is only for points Expiration By Inactivity, not for Expiration By Issue Date.


Days away from expiration of points (e.g. 14)


Amount of points that will expire by the moment the event is triggered (e.g. 250)


Date of the expiration of points (e.g. 10/5/2022)

Loyalty Points Expired

Triggered when user points have expired.


See Loyalty Transaction Created / channel


Base points earned


Points used to redeem


Autogenerated code for easy lookup via support tool


Unique Identifier for points expiration event


The total for the order


Brand from which the points have expired (e.g. BK)


See Loyalty Transaction Created / transactionStatus


Amounts getting expired for not being used


Date and time when the event was triggered

Loyalty Transaction Voided

When an order is voided.

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created



Note: Only when the transaction is created and voided in different POS/Kiosk vendor

The posSystem different vendors from when transaction was created to when it was finalized, e.g. Tillster-Toshiba

Loyalty Transaction Deleted

When a transaction is deleted this event is fired indicating the total points the user has after the rollback. Only Transactions that are in Pending which were created through the OTP process can be deleted.

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Max Transaction Limit Reached

Triggered when the maximum transactions limit is reached for a given user. This is an optional configuration setting that sets a "cap" of how many daily transactions a given user can earn points towards.

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Max Points Earned Limit Reached

Triggered when the maximum earned points limit is reached for a given user. This is an optional configuration setting that sets a "cap" of how many points a given user can earn points in a certain period of time (currently, only configurable per year).


The period of type used to calculate the max points earned (e.g. yearly)

Other attributes are the same as Loyalty Transaction Claimed

Same as Loyalty Transaction Claimed


Event Name



Property Description

Offer Redeemed Confirmed

Triggered when an offer is redeemed.

this event is fired. It happens at the time of creating the transaction. When a Loyalty transaction with channel is created, this event is fired with the transaction information.

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created



Note: Only when the transaction is created and claimed in different POS/Kiosk vendor

The posSystem different vendors from when transaction was created to when it was finalized, e.g. Tillster-Toshiba

Offer Redeemed In-store

Shorthand for Offer Redeemed Confirmed where channel is RESTAURANT.

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created



Note: Only when the transaction is created and claimed in different POS/Kiosk vendor

The posSystem different vendors from when transaction was created to when it was finalized, e.g. Tillster-Toshiba

Offer Redeemed Online

Shorthand for Offer Redeemed Confirmed where channel is WEB or APP.

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created

Same as Loyalty Transaction Created



Fires when

Main attributes

Payload details

Action Sheet View

When a Action tab it`s displayed to the user

actionSheetHeader record the component/object name (i.e. “Apply Promo Code”)

currentScreen records the current screen where the Action tab it`s displayed (i.e. “/rewards/offers“)

Action Sheet Submission

When a Action form it`s submitted

response: records the response "Failed" or “successful“

failureReason reason why the response was failed main reasons it`s "INVALID_CODE" or “EXPIRED_CODE“

submittedData records the data sent in the Action form

Promo Code Applied

When the Promo Code endpoint in the Loyalty Engine is hit

  • Duration: The duration in ms of the offer being unlocked when a promo code is sent.

  • sanityId: The Sanity ID of the offer.

  • Partner: The “posSystem” of the vendor sending the request. If this request is from RBI to show promo code offer in the app, then partner would be “RBI”.

  • Status: Successful or Error.

  • traceId: The tracking_id sent by Voucherify.

  • ErrorDescription (Only for the Error status): The error that happened.

    • Error: “Promo Code” not found

    • Error: “Promo code” already used

    • Error: Failed to unlock offer due to a technical issue

To add when tested in Staging