Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  • A sign up request was completed, i.e. the sign up form has been processed successfully by the server.

A sign in request was completed, i.e. the sign in form has been processed successfully by the server. IF a user successfully signs in as a registered user the event attribute Response will be marked as Success and if not as Failure with the reason recorded in event attribute response description

Event Name




eCommerce - Purchase

  • Coupon Applied

  • Cart Data

  • Card Type

  • Has Upsell

  • Payment Type

  • products

  • Restaurant Number

  • Service Mode

  • Total Amount

  • Tax Amount

When a mobile order it`s completed
Payment that are registered

Backend Purchase

Sign Up on Checkout Submitted

A sign up request was submitted.

Sign Up on Checkout Complete

  • Method: OTP, Biometrics, Social, Auto Sign Up

  • Social Service: Apple, Facebook, Google

  • Biometrics: Face ID, Touch ID, Face, Fingerprint

  • hasInvitationCodeOnSignUp will be a boolean with options TRUE or FALSE (set to True if user signs up with Invitation Code)

  • invitationCodeOnSignupReferralCode will have the code the user inputted into the Invitation Code Field

  • Response Type Success

Face ID and Touch ID (iOS)

Face and Fingerprint (Android)

Sign In on Checkout Submitted

  • Method: OTP, Biometrics, Social, Auto Sign Up

A user started the sign in flow.

Sign In on Checkout Complete

  • Method: OTP, Biometrics, Social, Auto Sign In

  • Social Service: Apple, Facebook, Google

  • Biometrics: Face ID, Touch ID, Face, Fingerprint

  • Face ID and Touch ID (iOS)

  • Face and Fingerprint (Android)

Checkout Sign In/Sign Up Error

  • Name: "Sign Up Failed" or "Sign In Failed"

  • Response Description: the message that gets displayed to the user, for example: “The code you entered doesn't match the code we sent. Check your messages and try typing it in again.“

  • Response: Failure

The sign up or sign in failed for some reason. The reason will be available in the “Root cause” attribute.eCommerce - ViewDetail

A user views the details of an item

eCommerce - AddToCart

A user adds a product to the cart on the website/app

eCommerce - RemoveFromCart

A user removes a product from the cart on the website/app

eCommerce - Checkout

A user checks out the items within their cart

eCommerce - Refund

Backend Purchase

Same as eCommerce - Purchase

BE event when a mobile order is completed

Add Items to Favorite

An item is added to the list of favorites

<global attributes>

Add Recent Item To Cart

A recently purchased item is added to the cart

Queue Position Update

When a user’s order assumes a new position (below a certain threshold) in the virtual queue.

Save New Payment Method

A user tries to save a new payment method

Delete Payment Method

A user delete a payment method