Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
    "metadata": {},
    "status": "CLAIMED",
    "createdAt": "2024-04-01T07:50:23.147Z", // crate datetime
    "transactionDetails": {}, // includes order details, can be empty
    "loyaltyId": "b1aa9100-0cfd-59b5-8adf-72527b9ccb4d",
    "pointsUsed": 200, // used points
    "channel": "RESTAURANT",
    "pointsEarned": 120, // earned points, pointsEarned+bonusPointsEarned is the total earned points
    "bonusPointsEarned": 0,
    "id": "c9ab9b26-53ef-472d-88a8-10e31c151c5a",
    "dateUpdated": "2024-04-01T07:52:03.400Z"
    "shortId": "6G0B5R7F53B2HSON",
    "metadata": {},
    "status": "CLAIMED",
    "createdAt": "2023-10-31T12:43:11.406Z",
    "transactionDetails": {},
    "loyaltyId": "b1aa9100-0cfd-59b5-8adf-72527b9ccb4d",
    "pointsUsed": 0,
    "channel": "WEB",
    "pointsEarned": 161,
    "bonusPointsEarned": 0,
    "claimedAt": "2023-10-31T12:43:11.406Z",
    "id": "204b532b-3132-4a5f-90ab-44bfa88c0ce9",
    "pointsEarned": 100,
    "shortId": "7ETX4ME2EC4N4VMM",
    "bonusPointsEarned": 0,
    "claimedAt": "2023-07-25T06:16:26.693Z",
    "status": "CLAIMED",
    "createdAt": "2023-07-25T06:16:26.693Z",
    "loyaltyId": "b1aa9100-0cfd-59b5-8adf-72527b9ccb4d",
    "pointsUsed": 0,
    "id": "2b17414e-7eb2-42d7-a352-d949fb68cc14",
    "channel": "INITIAL_POINT_BALANCE"

[APP] Create RBI Loyalty Transaction - Airtouch


We decided not to use this endpoint, for all the transaction related endpoints, please refer to [BK ES Migration] Loyalty API - V1 Current

Desc: This endpoint is used to submit a transaction to RBI Loyalty platform for both Web and Mobile App. The payload needs to include the information, like RBI user Id, RBI Loyalty Id, items information, store id


Code Block
  "cartEntries": [],
  "channel": "APP", // WEB, APP
  "cognitoId": "{{testRbiUserId}}", // RBI user Id
  "currency": "EUR", // currency
  "email": "{{testUserEmail}}", // user email
  "fulfillment": {"type": "DELIVERY"}, // DELIVERY, DRIVE_THRU, EAT_IN, TAKEOUT, N/A
  "loyaltyId": "{{testLoyaltyId}}",
  "orderId": {
    "id": "test-transaction-id", // the same as posVendor-transactionId
    "type": "AIRTOUCH" // the same as posVendor-type
  "payments": [{
    "amount": 100, // in cent unit
    "type": "VISA" // VISA, AMEX, CASH, OTHER
  "posVendor": {
    "transactionId": "test-transaction-id", // a unique id to indicate the order
    "type": "AIRTOUCH"
  "promotions": [
      "id": "{{testRewardLoyaltyId}}", // the RBI Loyalty engine id of a Reward
      "name": "test-reward-id", // get from Sanity
      "type": "REWARD"
  ], // rewards can be added

[WEB] Create RBI Loyalty Transaction - Homeria


We decided not to use this endpoint, for all the transaction related endpoints, please refer to [BK ES Migration] Loyalty API - V1 Current

Desc: This endpoint is used to submit a transaction to RBI Loyalty platform for both Web and Mobile App. The payload needs to include the information, like RBI user Id, RBI Loyalty Id, items information, store id
