Table of Contents |
This page in Sanity can be used to configure the content of the Redeem In Restaurant page in the App. This page can be accessed when clicking on the button “Redeem In Restaurant” from any Offer, Reward (if available), and/or MyCode navbar option.
This page allows you to edit widget content and reorder In-Restaurant Redemption widgets such as Images, Disclaimers and Titles in order to create the In-Restaurant scanning page content.
In-Restaurant Redemption Widgets
The below widgets allow you to re-organize the Redeem In Restaurant page with unique content and and a different order from the screenshots above.
Loyalty QR Code
QR code Widget
This toggle needs to be enabled for the QR code to show in the app.
The title that appears above the QR code
Note |
This field was deprecated and is no longer in use. |
Expiration message
The message that shows when the QR code has expired and another QR code is loading
Phone number message
Note |
This field was deprecated and is no longer in use. |
Loyalty QR Code and Short Code
Enable QR code and Short Code Widget
This toggle needs to be enabled for the QR code to show in the app.
QR code title
The title that appears above the QR code.
Short code text
The text that shows below the QR code and above the short code.
Short code expiration title
Note |
This field was deprecated and is no longer in use. |
Expiration description that shows when the loyalty QR code expires.
Short code expiration button CTA label
Note |
This field was deprecated and is no longer in use. |
Always Display Generate New Code Button
This configuration controls if the button that is always present that allows guest to refresh the QR code should be available below the QR code.
The string “Generate New Code” is in Lokalise and can be configured/editted edited there.
Loyalty QR and Short code how to earn modal content
This is the information that shows when guests clicks on the “Info” button on the right of the QR code. It includes a fields to configure “Title”, “Details”, “Image” (optional), and “Button CTA Label”.
Loyalty QR and Short code success modal content
Note |
This field was deprecated . Success modal is configured inand is no longer in use. The success modal can be configured under: |
Loyalty QR and Short code error modal content
This is the information that shows when the QR code widget can’t load the code correctly.
Loyalty Short Code
Enable short code widget
This toggle needs to be enabled for the short code to show in the app.
Default code
This field needs to be set to “.. .. ..
Alternative title
Note |
Ask Coelho, Jonatas about this configuration |
This field is displayed when the code expires.
Loyalty Text
Enable text widget
This toggle needs to be enabled for the short code text to show in the app.
This is the text that should be displayed in the in restaurant scanning page
Loyalty Marketing Tile Group Widget
Loyalty Legacy Short Code
Info |
The Legacy code widget will show when an offer is selected. |
Content of Static Code Screen
Info |
The Static Code Screen appears when users selects Offers without Loyalty. You can configure whether the static code displays a QR code or not. |