Tested in Production with BK DE and Fagundes, Silvia
Contains but is not limited to all testing Scenarios that all Offer Content was migrated to New Loyalty Offers Platform as expected
Fagundes, Silvia to connect with BK DE to:
- Migrate Loyalty Offers from Staging to Prod /wiki/spaces/CG/pages/3367501835
- Include all emails in Loyalty Offers flags in this document /wiki/spaces/L/pages/3871637765
- Use the segment
Loyalty Offers Users
both in the FE and BE to accommodate the email which will be part of the test - FE: https://app.launchdarkly.com/intl-guest-app/prod-bk-de/segments/loyalty-offers-users/targeting
- BE: https://app.launchdarkly.com/intl-platform/prod-bk/segments/loyalty-offers-users/targeting
- BK DE to Test that all offers are showing for them on Prod