Configure a restaurant is the first step to allow customer interact with products and perform actions such as searching a restaurant nearby, adding products to their cart and place orders.
Sanity has all restaurant info displayed in our App/Web under Order Level Content > Restaurants > Restaurant.
The restaurant doc is mostly populated with information from the Master Data Management (MDM) system via a sync process that runs every 15min.
Our platform displays to guests all stores in Sanity with status = ‘Open’.
Adding a new restaurant
The process to add a new restaurant starts in RBI’s Master Data Management (MDM) system with all the store information. You should contact your Area Franchisee Leads (AFL) to create and aprove new restaurants. Once your Area Franchisee Leads (AFL) creates the new restaurant IN MDM, automatically, a restaurant doc is created in Sanity under Order Level Content > Restaurants > Restaurant.
All information from restaurants such as geolocation coordinates, address, service available, restaurant amenities should be input in RBI’s Master Data Management (MDM). That info will sync with Sanity (CMS), which feeds our platform.
Operation teams use Restaurant Attribute Management (RAM) portal to manage the main info from restaurants once Franchisees don’t have access on RBI’s Master Data Management (MDM).
Once the restaurant is opened, AFLs update status to ‘Open’ in MDM, which updates in Sanity. At this point the restaurant shows to guests.
Updating restaurant information
We have available 3 procedures to update restaurant information as following:
You can send a request to GBS team via email gbsrequest@rbi.com;
Restaurant Attribute Management (RAM) Portal https://ram.rbi.com/;
Sanity (CMS).
Learn more how to update restaurant information https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HELP/pages/4979458259/Restaurants+-+Getting+Started#How-do-I-update-restaurant-information?
Updating restaurant amenities images and names
Amenities are available services in each restaurant. You are able to set up a display of available amenities in each restaurant, which will show in the information modal of the restaurant:
For example:
Restaurant accepts credit card
Restaurant has baby changer
Restaurant has Wi-Fi
Restaurant Amenities cannot be created in Sanity, as they will be automatically synchronised from MDM.
You need to send a request to GBS team via email gbsrequest@rbi.com in order to update the Restaurant Amenities.
In Sanity, under Order Level Content > Restaurants > Restaurant, you can review which amenities are available in the restaurant.
In Sanity, under Order Level Content > Restaurants > Restaurant Amenities, you can change the icon and translations shown to guests in the restaurant info modal.
Restaurant Service Modes
Fields required for Mobile ordering
Once the restaurant is created in RBI’s Master Data Management (MDM), the POS ordering integration and Payments integration are completed, Mobile Ordering should be activated in the restaurant that will have Mobile Ordering.
In Sanity, under Order Level Content > Restaurants > Restaurant, you can review the fields required which will be automatically synchronised from MDM.
Field | Description |
Number | Restaurant Number |
Name | Restaurant Name |
Physical Address | Address 1 City State/Province State/ Province Abbreviation Country Postal Code |
Latitude/Longitude | GPS coordinates |
Status | Open |
POS > Vendor | Select the corresponding POS vendor: PARTNER |
Mobile Ordering Status | Live |
Has Mobile Ordering? | Toggle: True (LaunchDarkly flag must also be on for ordering button to be enabled) |
Has Delivery? | Toggle: True (in case the restaurant serves Delivery) |
How do guests find restaurants in the App/Web?
Once the restaurant is created in RBI’s Master Data Management (MDM), the POS ordering integration and Payments integration are completed and Mobile Ordering is activated, guests can be found in the Store Locator. Besides that, guests can find more information about the restaurants and ordering.