2. Turn stores on

2. Turn stores on

In order to activate order injection in the POS of each restaurant, you will have to turn the stores on. For that, you will need to submit one document to GBS - please use the document below as a template (you will have to replace the information):

How to submit request to GBS

  • Tag the PM in your project + Kumar S, Mohan mkumars@rbi.com + GBSRequest@rbi.com

  • Add in the Subject Line - O2C FCM turn the stores on “Brand + Country” Prod

    • Example: O2C FCM turn the stores on - BK Germany Prod

  • As body of the text please write the following

    • Hi Team,

      Hope you are doing good, I would like to open a ticket to upload the file attached in this email to MDM Prod


  • Attach files to the email

After this GBS will open a ticket that will need to be resolved in 72 hrs, if this is not the case please talk to your PM. ( We are working to reduce the time in this)

How to fill out the document

  • You will add one line per restaurant and add all the information relevant to that restaurant:

    • Restaurant information (columns A to K)

    • Services available (columns L to S): mark as “yes” or “no”

    • POS vendor (column T)