The following table is supposed to show the fees according to the cart price range.
Service Fee
Source of truth is in RBI INTL Platform
Query Lauchdarkly tiered-delivery-fees
Note that the source of this LD is in the backend, it means intl-platform LD instance.
Either we query it directly from FE or we develop a BE service to query it
Delivery Fee
Source of truth is in Delivery Platform.
As per the current behavior, RBI calls DMP/Homeria to create quotes and read the quotes (delivery fees). DMP relies on Launchdarkly too. Homeria has its own system.
We can have in LD a reflection of Homeria/DMP, but there may generate inconsistences if they change it only on their side. It will reduce the purpose of the quotation and reduce the dynamism of the delivery fees.