The following table is supposed to show the fees according to the cart price range.
Service Fee data
Source of truth is in RBI INTL Platform
Query Lauchdarkly FF tiered-delivery-fees
Note that the source of this LD is in the backend, it means intl-platform LD instance.
Either we query it directly from FE or we develop a BE service to query it
Delivery Fee data
Source of truth is in Delivery Platform.
As per the current behavior, RBI calls DMP/Homeria to create quotes and read the quotes (delivery fees). DMP relies on Launchdarkly too. Homeria has its own system.
We can have in LD a reflection of Homeria/DMP, but there may generate inconsistences if they change it only on their side. It will reduce the purpose of the quotation and reduce the dynamism of the delivery fees.
It needs to support LD FF filters. E.g.: storeId.