[DMP] Language Selector and Logout - How To


It is possible to change the system language from:

  1. The login screen:

    1. Select the current language (English is default).

    2. It will open the other languages list.

    3. Select one.

    4. Click “<“ to go back to the Login screen.

  2. The DMP main page:

    1. After the login, at the left top DMP page, there is the restaurant name and the “Settings” icon.

    2. By clicking this settings icon, it will open the settings modal screen with options to:

      1. Change the language by clicking the desired language. It will translate the system automatically. Then, click the “X” at the top of the modal screen to close it.



      2. Logout from the DMP system, by clicking the Logout option from the settings modal screen.


Default language is English. If the translation to any language from the list is not available, it will show English as default.