Table of contents
Status | IN DESIGN |
RBIberia Owner | |
RBI Owner |
Physical Payments
Every payment that’s not done through our platform.
Examples: Cash, Ticket (paper) and Credit/Debit card machines.
Online Payments
All payment types done through our platform.
Examples: Credit Card, Apple Pay, Paypal, Bizum,
❓ Open questions
We need to constantly make this section empty.
#1 What’s the expected behavior when our guest reach any of the rules? Example: Show a message, block the button COMPLETED
#2 Besides Datadog, should any metric be collected when any of the rules is triggered? Which ones? PENDING
#3 Can these 3 rules be implemented together or they can be turned on/off separately? COMPLETED
#4 We need confirmation that these rules are “global” in the platform or should be done by restaurant. PENDING
#5 What Delivery Failures Reasons should we consider to limit Physical Payments? PENDING
#1 - We don´t show the option to pay cash in the dropdown
#2 - Pending
#3 - Yes.
Number of first orders that exceeded the established maximum limit and average ticket orders in physical payment x online payments
Number of subsequent orders that exceeded the established maximum limit and average ticket orders in physical payment x online payments
Number of orders impacted by an incident in a previous order versus delivery success rate in orders with physical payment
Impact on order conversion due to physical payment restrictions
Cart abandonment rate due to physical payment restrictions
Add the rule applied to checkout in Amplitude
#4 - Implement a global rule, but allow you to configure exceptions to limits differentiated by restaurant. The objective is to allow franchises (non-RBI restaurants) to set higher cash order limits
#5 - Pending - I´ll try to solve this today (Paula)
Problem statement
Recent analyses have highlighted a significant risk of fraud in home delivery orders that are paid for using physical payment methods.
To safeguard our operations and protect both our business and customers from fraudulent activities, it is essential to implement additional rules that restrict the use of physical payments under certain scenarios.
Existent Cash Limitation Rules
Cash Payments Price Limit
This rule establishes a cap on cash transactions. Activation and deactivation are managed through a Launch Darkly feature flag, which also adjusts the transaction limit, represented in cents.
Order Flood Limit
This rule set a limit on multiple orders for the same user, given a time. Based on a Launch Darkly flag, it controls if this rule is ON and OFF and also serves a variation of how many orders the same guest can place in 1 hour.
Acceptance criteria
Physical payment methods should be hidden from the Payment Method dropdown on the Payment Method Screen. This adjustment occurs automatically and does not prompt any additional messages to the user.
The physical payment Methods should not appear on the Payment Method dropdown, at Payment Method Screen, without any further message.
If any pre-set conditions are triggered, only online payments options will be displayed to the user.
Success metrics
Reduction of incidences of deliveries in orders with physical payment
Physical payment restrictions do not significantly impact total order conversion
🤔 Assumptions
All error messages and texts related to this feature will be provided Iberia, in English and the translation will be done later.
The plan is to map 3 physical payments limitations rules, given a configurable value per rule . These rules can be turned on/off on demand through LaunchDarkly.
Proposed Physical Payments Limitation Rules
Rule 1 - First Order Physical Payment Limit
For the first order with a value >= X €, only online payment will be allowed, where X is configurable. The initial intention is to set it to 20 €.
Rule 2 - Physical Payment Amount Limit
For subsequent orders with a value >= X €, only online payment will be allowed, where X is configurable. The initial intention is to set it to 50€. This value is not cumulative, only the total amount of the current order should be considered. Example:
Guest adds 63€ to his/her cart. The platform remove all Physical Payments from the dropdown
Guest place one order of 30€ in the lunch, and another 35€ in the dinner. The platform removes all Physical Payment as the total ordered was greater than 50€.
Why this is invalid? We should consider only the total amount of the current order to this rule.
Rule 3 - Repeated Delivery Failure
If the last order was paid in Physical Payments and there was a delivery failure (e.g. a joke order), the next order will only allow online payment
Scenario 1: First Order Physical Payment Limit
Steps | Expected results |
Scenario 2: Physical Payment Amount Limit
Steps | Expected results |
Scenario 3: Repeated Delivery Failure
Steps | Expected results |
Still need to define which “delivery failure” should be considered. Before that should be validated if the reason behind order cancelled is sent to WL.