⏮️ Context
Enhancing User Autonomy
Currently, users are unable to update their email addresses directly through the app, relying instead on Support Operators for this task. This not only places a burden on our support team but can also lead to outdated email data, affecting our communication efforts.
By introducing a self-service email update feature, we aim to empower users to manage their own profiles more efficiently. This change will enhance the user experience and reduce the workload on Support Operators. Additionally, up-to-date email addresses will ensure better communication with our customers.
❔ Expected Outcomes
1. Self-Service Email Update Functionality
Description: Allow users to update their email addresses directly within the Guest App.
Rationale: Directly addresses the primary problem of user inconvenience and need for support.
Business Value: High - Improves user experience, reduces support workload, and ensures data accuracy.
2. Real-Time Email Format Validation
Description: Implement real-time email format validation to ensure users enter a valid email address during the update process.
Rationale: Prevents incorrect email entries, ensuring data integrity.
Business Value: High - Ensures reliable communication by maintaining accurate and valid email addresses.
3. OTP Email Verification
Description: Implement an OTP verification process to ensure users have access to the email provided in the update process.
Rationale: Ensures Guest has access to the provided email address.
Business Value: High - Ensures reliable communication by maintaining accurate and valid email addresses.
4. User Confirmation Notification
Description: Send a confirmation email to both old and new email addresses when an update is made.
Rationale: Notifies users of changes to their profile, ensuring they are aware of any updates.
Business Value: Medium - Increases user trust and security by confirming changes.
5. Observability log for Email Updates
Description: Maintain a simple log of success/error instances of email changes for observability purposes.
Rationale: Enables observability of the feature health and fast action in case of problems.
Business Value: High - Enhances feature reliability.
6. Analytics on Email Update Feature Usage
Description: Track and analyze user interactions with the email update feature to gain insights into its adoption and effectiveness.
Rationale: Provide data-driven insights to evaluate the feature's success and identify areas for improvement.
Perceived Business Value: Medium. Useful for long-term analysis and continuous improvement but not immediately necessary for the feature launch.
📈 Success Metrics
Metric Title | How to Measure: | Success Criteria: |
Email Updates on Guest App | Qty of successful email updates process executed. | High rate of successful email updates. |