[DEPRECATED] Sanity Content Migrations

[DEPRECATED] Sanity Content Migrations

What are Sanity Migrations?

Sanity Migrations allow you to independently migrate content from Staging to different environments. You can therefore implement changes in Staging environment, test them, and afterwards push those changes to QA and Production.

All this is accomplished with some clicks in the User Interface of Sanity.

You will need a write token in order to use this tool. If don’t have one, request it from your Customer Success Manager contact. Make sure to save it locally on your computer so you can re-use it, but please DO NOT SHARE THIS TOKEN, as it is a user-specific token.

Content can be migrated in two different ways:

  1. Using a GROQ query in the Migration tool

  2. Individually migrating a document

Staging should always be the source of truth to migrate changes to other environments (e.g. staging → production)

1. Migration tool

The migration tool can be found on the top navigation menu in Sanity. The Migration tool allows you to migrate multiple documents using a GROQ query, as opposed to only moving the currently viewed document. In terms of functionality, the actual migration tool works the same as the document action.

Once you input your token, you’ll be prompted to input a GROQ query that refer to the document you’d like to move:

Below you can find the most used queries for your use:

  • MIGRATES WHOLE MENU BUT DOES NOT INCLUDE OFFERS: *[_id in ["feature-menu-singleton"]][0..10000]

  •  MIGRATES ALL OFFERS: *[_id in ["feature-offers-singleton"]][0..10000]

  •  MIGRATES ALL STATIC PAGES: *[_type in ["staticPage"]][0..10000]

  • PUSHES WHAT WE SHOW ON THE HOMEPAGE: *[_id in ["feature-home-page-singleton"]][0..10000]

  •  UPDATES ONLY MARKETING TILES: *[_type in ["marketingTile", "marketingTileGroup"]][0..10000] 

  • MIGRATE ALL DOCUMENTS WITH TYPE ‘ITEM’: *[_type in ["item"]][0..10000]

  • MIGRATES ALL DOCUMENTS WITH TYPE ‘OFFER’: *[_type in ["offers"]][0..10000]


You can also build your own GROQ queries, more information on GROQ here.

This process will also move children documents associated to the documents you’re migrating

Once you’ve inputted your query, you’ll need to select your destination dataset – typically prod_[brand]_[country].

After that you can click on “Migrate”. When the migration is done, you should get a message indicating "Migration Successfully Complete!”

If instead you get an error, please open a ticket following this guide: [DEPRECATED] Reporting Bugs - Service Desk

2. Individual document migration

If you’d like to only migrate a specific document, you can make use of the document migration feature.

This process will also move children documents associated to the document you’re migrating

Next to the Publish button you’ll find a dropdown menu with the option "Migrate”:

Upon clicking on that option, you’ll be prompted to input your token:

Similarly to the migration tool process, you’ll need to select the destination dataset.

If there’s no changes to migrate to the destination dataset, the “Migrate” button will be grayed out and instead you will see a message indicating that there’s nothing to migrate.

No change to migrate

If there’s changes to migrate, click on the “Migrate” button and wait for the migration to finish. Do not close the pop-up until the migration is complete.


After that you can click on “Migrate”. When the migration is done, you should get a message indicating "Migration Successfully Complete!”

If instead you get an error, please open a ticket following this guide: [DEPRECATED] Reporting Bugs - Service Desk



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