Restaurant Amenities


Amenities are available services in each restaurant. We built a functionality where we are able to set up a display of available amenities in each restaurant card.

Back End:

The brand will set up as true or false the following fields for each restaurant in MDM through the restaurant update

  • Has Wifi

  • Has Delivery

  • Accepts Cards

  • Payback

  • Baby Changer

  • Accessible

  • Kind Deals

  • Digital Coupons

  • King of the month

  • Number of Parking Spaces (if more than 0 will display as parking available)

  • Freestyle Coke Machine

  • Playground

  • Paper Coupons

  • Promotional Items

  • Has Breakfast

  • Delivery Provider

MDM Sync will pull the values into Sanity to each restaurant and will create an amenities document in the restaurant amenities folder.

For each amenities add the icon and any translations


Front End:

If the restaurant has an amenity linked in the CMS and the sanity document has a name and an icon it will be displayed in the frontend in the restaurant card.