[DEPRECATED] Feature Flag List
Documentation for Feature Flags to explain functionalities of features, why they were developed and the reason behind their existence as well as a guide on how to turn it on and off.
- 1 Authentication
- 2 Account
- 3 Store Locator
- 4 Homepage
- 5 Order Mode
- 6 Menu
- 7 Checkout
- 8 Payments
- 9 Pages
- 10 Loyalty
- 11 Refunds
Enable Auto Sign In on Sign up
path: /features/enableAutoSignInOnSignUp/targeting
What does the feature do?
Forgoes the need for a user to validate their e-mail or use the One-Time-Password after filling out the sign up form or when signing in as it just logs them in immediately.
Why was it developed?
It was developed to reduce friction in the sign up and signing in process making it easier for the user to complete an order since it doesn’t need to leave the RBI app to verify its account.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable User SMS Sign In
path: /features/enable-user-sms-signin/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature allows users to sign in using a code sent via SMS instead of the email OTP.
Why was it developed?
It was developed because new markets were requesting the feature as a requirement for launch as well as ease of flow for the user since it doesn’t need an e-mail account to be able to log in to their account.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Account Sections Variations
path: /features/enable-account-sections-variations/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature allows us to configure the sections available in the My Account page in the Web/App. The sections that are able to be added/hidden:
Account Info
Payment Methods
Recent Orders
Submit Feedback
User Preferences
To change the other sections there are other LD flags:
Payback: Enable Payback
Communication Preferences: Enable Communication Preferences
Request my Information: Enable Request My Information
Delete Account: Enable Account Delete Page
Why was it developed?
The feature was developed for scalability purposes i.e. to make it more scalable to meet the markets’ needs since there was nowhere where sections in the account page could be changed. It was initially required when onboarding BK Germany.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Store Locator
Enable Auto Restaurant Shut Down
path: /features/enable-auto-restaurant-shutdown/targeting
What does the feature do?
Restaurant order injection (OI) errors are recorded in the backend application database as they occur. When determining whether a restaurant is available for ordering, the frontend application will query the backend with one or more restaurant IDs (store numbers). A restaurant is available when auto-shutoff and heartbeat both report the restaurant as available.
Basically, POS will ping a restaurant to see if it’s available every x minutes. If there’s an error or no response, the restaurant will not show up online.
For more information on Auto Shut Down, check: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPT/pages/676167683
Why was it developed?
It was developed to help mitigate stores that are failing and guests ordering from them if they are not properly working.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Order Locator Tabs
path: /features/order-locator-tabs/targeting
What does the feature do?
This feature allows for different tabs to show up when choosing a restaurant to order from. By default, Nearby, Recents, Favourites and Delivery show up. The feature allows for this order to be changed or even to remove some of the tabs.
Why was it developed?
The flag was created to ensure flexibility for the markets. Furthermore, it allows for markets with no delivery to not have the delivery tab - otherwise, the user journey and experience would be confusing. Finally, it allows for A/B testing after launch to increase conversion within the web/app.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Sign up Fields Variations
path: /features/sign-up-fields-variations/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature allows us to configure the sections available in the Sign up page in the Web/App. The sections that are able to be added/hidden:
Country Info
First Name
Email Address
Phone number
Postal Codes
Date of Birth
Why was it developed?
The feature was developed for scalability and flexibility purposes i.e. to make it more scalable to meet the markets’ needs since there was nowhere where sections in the signing up page could be changed.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Here the feature turned on hid some of the sections the user had to fill out to sign up while the feature off display every section available - that is Country, First Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Postal Code & Date of Birth.
Enable Home Page Recent Items
path: /features/enableHomePageRecentItems/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature allows for the recent items one user ordered to be added to the homepage.
Why was it developed?
The user is able to order faster, improving the user journey, making it shorter and more enjoyable as well as catering to what the user has previously ordered before.
Feature turned on
Enable Sanity Web Navigation
path: /features/enableSanityWebNavigation/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature allows for changes in the navigation menu in the website.
Why was it developed?
It was developed to expand because the navigation page used to be hard coded in the code. This way there is scalability available. This feature not only allows for A/B testing, but also changes in the navigation according to the market’s needs.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Sanity Footer
path: /features/enableSanityFooter/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature enables the creation of the footer as well as different content on it.
Why was it developed?
The feature was developed to allow for different footer settings in different markets,
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Sanity Controlled Mobile Nav
path: /features/enableSanityControlledMobileNav/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature allows for Mobile Nav variations.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Order Mode
Enable Table Service
path: /features/enable-table-service/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature controls for the table service, meaning that it allows for a customer to select it when ordering - meaning that the customer can get to the restaurant, scan a QR code of the table and then get the food.
Why was it developed?
The feature was developed to enhance the platform, since it was identified by RBI’s studies as an extremely competitive feature. Furthermore, some markets in EMEA were keen on testing it.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable More Info Optional Offer Disclaimer
path: /features/enableMoreInfoOptionalOfferDisclaimer/targeting
What does the feature do?
Usually, standard offers and coupons will have a standard disclaimer. However, different and non-standard offers may need a different disclaimer. For example, an offer with another company will need to have a different disclaimer than the regular ones. This way, this feature allows the user to see the correct disclaimer in the offers. When the feature is turned on, the user will see a custom disclaimer to the offer. When turned off, even if enabled in Sanity, the user will see the standard disclaimer.
Why was it developed?
It was mainly developed due to legal reasons as well as to allow flexibility when running new offers with 3P companies, for example.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Price and Calories in Menu
path: /features/enable-price-and-calories-in-menu/targeting
What does the feature do?
Prices and calories do not show up when in the menu.
Why was it developed?
This feature is mainly used in markets that do not have set up mobile ordering and thus price should not be shown. At the moment of creation of this document, one example would be BK New Zealand (Burger King New Zealand) since they only have offers and not mobile ordering. As we are onboarding new markets, we should be able to set up the menu and offers before setting up mobile ordering. It also allows for different configurability of different markets in different stages.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Premium Combo Slots
path: /features/enable-premium-combo-slots/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature turns on the ability to use premium combo slot options. When enabled any combo slot options marked as premium will show a delta price next to them when selected. If this flag is disabled any combo slots marked as premium in sanity will not show pricing. The feature will be used in case the market wants to set an item in the combo slot as an upsell option so we need to charge extra for it.
For more information and POS: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPT/pages/3767075043 & [DEPRECATED] Combo Slot
Why was it developed?
It was developed to ensure scalability and flexibility for markets to create upselling items in combo slots.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Main FAB Button (Floating Action Button)
path: /features/enable-main-fab-button/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature created a floating button in the bottom right corner of the create that follows the user across its journey in all pages of the app.
Why was it developed?
It was developed so that the user can get to the cart easier and faster. Furthermore, it will also allow them to start ordering at any point of the flow. It also helps with turning ordering more intuitive within the app.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Tabbed Menu Bar Recents
path: /features/enable-tabbed-menu-bar-recents/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature allows for a new tab to be created with recent items the user has ordered before.
Why was it developed?
It was developed to make it easier for users to order their past and preferred items since they no longer have to scroll through the entire menu to find them.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Tabbed Menu Bar Fav
path: /features/enable-tabbed-menu-bar-fav/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature allows for a new tab to be created with favorite items the user has favorited before.
Why was it developed?
It was developed to make it easier for users to order their most loved items since they no longer have to scroll through the entire menu to find them and thus speed up user journey as well as making it easier. This way the purchase is fast - otherwise there would be too many opportunities for them to leave the app and not complete the order.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable premium options at first position
path: /features/enable-premium-options-at-first-position/targeting
What does the feature do?
It will change the order of the combo slot items to show the paid premium options in the first position in the list.
Why was it developed?
The feature was developed to enhance upselling and increase ticket value by prominently displaying paid options to users first. This approach encourages users to purchase items that are not free.
For this flag to work properly, the following flag should be ON:
path: /features/enable-product-upsell-simplified/targeting
If the feature is turned off, then the list will be as before: the paid items after all the free items.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Checkout Upsell Items 2
path: /features/enable-checkout-upsell-items-2/targeting
What does the feature do?
It prompts the user to “Add something extra” to their cart in checkout. This can be done in two ways:
- If the market has Deep Flame (i.e. recommendations are based on an AI engine)
- If the market doesn’t, then static recommendations from Sanity are used
When the feature is turned on, the user will be prompted to add something else to the cart. When turned off, even if enabled in Sanity, the feature will not be shown to the user.
Why was it developed?
The feature was developed to enable upselling to customers by pushing extra items at chechout. These can be personalized or set by standard.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Checkout Limit Override Cents
path: /features/CheckoutLimitOverrideCents/targeting
What does the feature do?
By default, there’s a 100$ limit on checkout (i.e., if the flag is off). This flag allows for the override of that value. There are different limits one would want to have instead of the 100$. This flag allows for different limits at checkout.
If the flag is turned on, the checkout limit can be defined by the market.
Why was it developed?
It was developed to make sure inventory stays constant (for example, a store may not have enough inventory for a 150$ order) and restaurant management. Another reason would be to prevent fraud.
Enable Add Extras
path: /features/enable-add-extras/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature allows for the user to add extras to their order when at checkout. For example, to request ketchup, straws, or cutlery.
Why was it developed?
This feature was created because there were guests complaints of not being able to request ketchup for their orders when using mobile ordering. Furthermore, it serves as a stepping stone for other extras like cutlery and straws.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Edit Cart
path: /features/enable-edit-cart/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature allows for the user to edit an item from their cart when at checkout.
Why was it developed?
This feature was created for a smoother and easier user experience for the guest because this way it will not have to delete and item and customize it again. Thus, it improves experience and convenience.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Closing Time Dialog
path: /features/enable-closing-time-dialog/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature enables to show a dialog box when a guest is placing an order close to the closing time of the restaurant. The dialog box will let the guest know that the restaurant is closing soon (under one hour).
Why was it developed?
This feature was created because guests were placing near the closing time of the restaurant and then were not being able to pick them up. Thus, this allows for guests not to face a closed store but also to minimize waste in restaurants.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Payment Fields Variations
path: /features/payment-fields-variations/targeting
This flag is also dependent on the feature flag: EnableHideAddNewPaymentFields
What does the feature do?
This feature allows for some sections of information to be hidden when inserting the payment information at check out. For example, one could hide the state, zip code, address and only require, the card number, name, CVV, expiration date. (Check below for screenshots).
When setting up a new country the payments team should be contacted to understand which fields are required for each market
Why was it developed?
It was mainly developed to eliminate the need of the user to add unnecessary data as well as to make checkout quicker and easier on the user.
More variations can be created. When turned off, the feature will show all fields. However, one can:
- Hide Address, City, State, Country (example above when feature is turned on)
- Hide Country
- Hide State & Apt
Enable Account Delete Page
path: /features/enableAccountDeletePage/targeting
What does the feature do?
It enables users to delete their account. When the feature is turned on, the user will be able to see it and delete their account. When turned off, even if enabled in Sanity, the feature will not be shown to the user.
Why was it developed?
It was mainly developed due to legal requirements - especially in the EU regarding the GDPR, which set a standard to other countries like South Africa, South Korea, Japan, Turkey, among others. This way, the user can delete its information.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Request My Information
path: /features/enableRequestMyInformation/targeting
What does the feature do?
It enables users request the information RBI holds on them. When the feature is turned on, the user will be able to see it and request their information. When turned off, even if enabled in Sanity, the feature will not be shown to the user.
Why was it developed?
It was mainly developed due to legal requirements - especially in the EU regarding the GDPR, which set a standard to other countries like South Africa, South Korea, Japan, Turkey, among others. This way, the user can request information regarding the PII stored in this platform.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable iFrame Campaign in Web
path: /features/enable-iframe-campaign-in-web/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature turns on to create iFrame Campaigns in the Web. iFrames allow RBI to grab any information from a 3P vendor (for example, fun quiz, roulette, which was developed by this third-party) for campaigns.
This way, your market can work with any local agency to develop custom marketing campaigns and enable a seamless experience in the app. For the user, the experience will be as if they never left the app.
Related flags:
Why was it developed?
The feature was created to be able to develop a campaign for BK Germany (Whoppery Campaign - 1 Million Euros). However, it now ensures scalability to other markets. It allows for integration of 3P content and thus collaboration with different companies on marketing campaigns.
Enable Bonus Points Rewards Logo
path: /features/enableBonusPointsRewardsLogo/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature enables the rewards logo icon in the Bonus Point Section on the Menu.
Why was it developed?
It was developed to ensure that users are able to understand which items could be redeemed with Loyalty Points.
How to set it up?
To be able to turn it on and off, one should do it in LaunchDarkly.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Guest and Multi-Step Support Form
path: /features/enableGuestAndMultiStepSupportForm/targeting
What does the feature do?
If the market doesn’t have Pypestream, this flag will determine what kind of support form the user will be able to use:
When the feature flag is turned off, the support page will be V1 (use dropdowns to choose issue type). When this is on, it will be V2 (2 step process to choose issue type). Also, non-registered users (guests) can use this support form.
Why was it developed?
The feature was developed to ensure scalability of markets as well as ensure that different markets and brands are able to provide different types of support according to the guests' needs.
Feature turned on versus turned off
Enable Pypestream
path: /features/enable-pypestream/targeting
What does the feature do?
The feature enable the support chatbot (Pypestream) for customer support
Why was it developed?
It was developed for markets who have Pypestream, a chatbot solution, to help improve guest support and automate tasks. For example, the chatbot is able to issue partial refunds, loyalty points or an exclusive offer without creating a ticket. This flag was also created to ensure scalability of the feature.
Feature turned on versus turned off