[DEPRECATED] Journey - E&B Flow
Flow Overview
The objective of this flow is to push people after the first purchase to reach 4 purchases in total, as this will provide us with enough data-points in order to segment them
Entry Criteria
Have performed a loyalty transaction
Not being part of the control group
Important: included exclusion & exit criteria for everyone who has more than 4 purchases (cohort name: => 4 Transaction - https://analytics.amplitude.com/burgerkinguk/cohort/96tl0s7)
First Check (after 15 days)
Do they have more than 1 transaction?
Check 1: two transactions on the same channel if not
Check 2: one transaction per each channel
As we don’t have a combined event in Braze, we imported these cohorts from Amplitude
Path 1: Less than 2 purchases
Check if they have redeemed a reward or not (if not, we can use the reward as an incentive)
Path 1A: less then 2 purchases, no rewards redeemed
Check if they have enough point balance (as we tell them there is free food as a prize).
Important: exclude everyone who has received the drive to redemption flow in the last 30 days. If they did receive, they should get redirected to path 1B
Path 1A: less then 2 purchases, no rewards redeemed, enough points
Push them to use the reward they have on their pocket
If the did not purchase: remind them to use the reward
If the did purchase (they now have 2 purchases): use 2 windows delay to understand if they make purchases spontaneously. If they don’t, bring them to the path 1C (150 points), to push them to 3 purchases
Path 1A: less then 2 purchases, no rewards redeemed, not enough points
Bring them to path 1B
Path 1B: less then 2 purchases, rewards redeemed
Push them to the third purchase with 75 extra points
Check if they made a purchase
If they didn’t make a purchase, remind them of the reward
Check after 7 days if they make a purchase
If they still don’t make any purchase, exit from the flow. If they did make a purchase (2 purchases), wait 7 days to check if they do purchases spontaneously. If they don’t, bring them to the path 1C (150 points), to push them to 3 purchases
Path 2: More than 2 purchases (3)
Push them to the 4th purchase with 150 bonus points
If they do the purchase, exit the canvas (they now reached 3 purchases)
If they don’t do it, remind them of the incentive
At this point, if they don’t engage, exit from the canvas