2023-12-05 Release Notes

2023-12-05 Release Notes


  • Expire Loyalty Points: a new way to put an “expiration” on the Loyalty Points based on the points' earning date. By doing so, we are giving markets better control.

  • Loyalty Program: we've enhanced the loyalty program to exclude specific items from earning points, beneficial for markets with deposits.

  • Offers: a new Sanity toggle has been enabled that will allow the markets to display “locked” Offers for signed-out users.


CMS (Sanity)

  • We are happy to announce we are offering a new way to put an “expiration” on the Loyalty Points: we will be able to do this by leveraging the earning date of those respective points that the customer has won/gained. This will allow the markets to have more robust control over outstanding loyalty points by RBI/FZ and mitigate risk from a financial perspective. Read more in the FZKB section here.


  • Another improvement being made to the loyalty program is to allow specific items not to be counted towards Loyalty Points in orders. This is especially useful in markets that have deposits set in place, that allow guests to gain back money after an order is completed. Read more in the FZKB section here.


  • In addition, we released an additional toggle in Sanity that allows markets to show Offers as locked. When users are signed out, offers that are only available for signed-in will show as greyed out with a lock. Read more in the FZKB section here.