Modifier & Modifier Multiplier
Modifiers allow guests to customize items. They can be added, removed, increased or decreased. For example, you can remove lettuce, tomato and pickles from a Whopper.
Modifier Multipliers are the allowed variations within a modifier. For example, guests can select No Tomato (a 0x multiplier of the tomato Modifier), Regular Tomato (a 1x multiplier) or Extra Tomato (a 2x multiplier).
Modifier Examples
Modifier Multiplier Examples
Configuring Modifiers
The Modifier document is found under the Order-Level Content → Menu → Modifier within Sanity.
We will go through each field below.
This is the name of the item that will show in the platform, so must be edited according to your marketing guidelines. In the above examples: Choose a Size and Select Your Size.
This is the image that is shown for the modifier.
Best Practices Tip
Choosing a picture without a background might look more appealing to turn the guest’s focus to the actual product.
Take into account that this picture will be shown in a small size to the guests, so avoid complex images.
Image Description
This will be the text for the alt attribute on the image.
Vendor Configs
This is where the PLU configurations are done for Modifier Multipliers, please refer toPLU Management & Configuration for a detailed guide.
Display Groups
Display Groups are aggregators of different modifiers or modifier multipliers for your items or combos. To put it simple, they are groups to organize guests' customizations.
For example, you can put all the modifiers related to Dips / Sauces / Condiments together and call it Condiments. This way, your guests will know that is the space where they can add or remove the Ketchup or Mayo in their sandwiches. Another example could be when you offer free Condiments with the Fries. In this case, you can create a display group called “Choose your free condiments” after the fries selection.
Display groups are configured within the Item → Options sub-document in Sanity and link to modifiers:
Example display groups can be seen below:
Configuring Modifier Multipliers
The Modifier Multiplier document is found under the Order-Level Content → Menu → Modifier Multiplier within Sanity.
We will go through each field below.
In this space you will link the corresponding Modifier. For example, if you are creating the Modifier Multiplier for No Tomato, you will link the Tomato Modifier.
You need to have already created the Modifier previously: Modifier & Modifier Multiplier | Configuring Modifiers
This is the name of the selection that the customer will see, associated to the multiplier that you will define right after, shown if the following Display Modifier Name toggle is set as on (with green mark).
Note below an example of multipliers and their equivalent prefixes.
Multiplier | Prefix |
0 | No |
0.5 | Light |
1 | Regular |
1.5 | Extra |
2 | Extra (Whole modifier like a hamburger patty) |
Why are there 0.5 or 1.5 multipliers? Shouldn’t it be only integer numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc?
For some modifiers, such as Hamburger Patty, it is logical to rely only on integer multipliers. The only option is to serve full Hamburger Patties, like 1, 2, 3, etc.
However, there are modifiers that can be served in halves. Pick Cheese slices, for example: If your item contains, by default, 2 slices of Cheese, how do you offer your guests the possibility to add 1 extra slice? Well, the above means:
Regular Cheese multiplier = 2 slices of Cheese
Extra Cheese multiplier = 3 slices of Cheese
For the POS to charge the guest correctly, we need to multiply the Regular modifier by 1.5, because in this case each 0.5 is the equivalent to 1 Cheese slice. The same rational can be applied to Bacon slices, Ketchup, Mayo, and so on depending on your Menu composition.
Channel Exclusions
Need to show different items depending on the Service Mode Group (Pickup / Delivery) or the platform (Web, Mobile, Kiosk, Google Food Ordering)? This is the place where you can exclude items from being shown to the guests.
Modifier Controls
Modifier Controls are found by clicking on the Options in an Item document, as seen below.
The modifier controls let us configure the modifier multipliers that are available for a particular item, and decide how they should display.
Let’s say we want to give guests the option to remove pickles from the Whopper. In the Whopper item document we will click on “Add item” under the Options section. That will open the modal titled “Edit Item Option”.
In this modal you can configure the following fields:
Field | Explanation | What guests see |
Description | This description is used to explain to guest what the modifier is. In our example, “Add/remove pickles". |
Name | This is the name of the modifier visible to guests. This is different from the name of the modifier multiplier. In our example, “Pickles”. |
Display Group | Display groups allow you to configure different modifier groups that appear in our platform as separate modifier configurations. | |
Component style | This determines how guests can interact with the modifier. There’s 3 options:
In our example, it would be a boolean as we only want to give guests the option to remove pickles. | See below underModifier & Modifier Multiplier | Modifier Type |
Inject default selection | If the modifier has a default modifier multiplier it will always be included in the list of options (regardless if it is available on the restaurant or not) unless the "Inject Default Selection" toggle is turned on in Sanity. | N/A |
Single Choice Only |
| See below underModifier & Modifier Multiplier | Modifier Type |
Minimum & Maximum Amount | The minimum/maximum number of modifier selections available to the user for the given modifier, used only for dipping sauce-type modifiers ( |
Is upsell modifier | Determines whether the modifier will increase the price of the item/combo. (E.g. Used for certain sauces). |
Options | These are the modifier multipliers linked to the item options. In our example, there would be two options – “No'' pickles and “Regular'' pickles. Clicking on “Add item” will open another modal titled “Edit Item Option Modifier” where you could define the description and name. This modal is used to map to the specific modifier multiplier. Under the “Modifier Multiplier” section, select the applicable modifier multiplier document. In the example above, that would be “No''. |
Find below the configuration options for the most common use cases:
Modifier Type | Rules / Acceptance Criteria |
Boolean/checkbox |
Non-numeric range
Numeric range |
Select one from options |
Select multiple from options |
Steps to Disable a Modifier Multiplier for a Certain Restaurant
Remove the PLUs for the modifier multiplier that you don't want anymore from the restaurant PLUs list.
Toggle the "Inject Default Selection" for the modifier in Sanity if the default value is not the one that should be available.
Ask your CSM to turn the enable-hide-modifier-multipliers Launch Darkly flag ON .