Restaurants - Getting Started

Restaurants - Getting Started

What are restaurants?

By restaurant we refer to any RBI brand store operated by a franchisee.

There are different types of restaurant architectures (inline, free-standing, foodcourt, dark kitchen) and designs (20/20 Garden Grill, 20/20 Light, 20/20 Primer, etc). Different restaurants offer different service modes (eat in, drive through, take away, table service, etc) through different channels (in-store, first party online, third party online).

In consequence, not all restaurants offer online ordering through our platform. However, you will find all your restaurants in Sanity, and open restaurants will appear in the store locator. You can read more about the store locator in the following section.

As explained in our Ordering! | What does online ordering require? page, restaurants are one of the required elements to enable online ordering. Without configured restaurants, guest won’t be able to place orders.

What do restaurants look like in our platform?

In our platform, restaurants can be found in the store locator.

Burger King’s store locator

The store locator allows guests to look for restaurants and find more information about them.

Dark kitchen restaurants are stores that only accept delivery orders and are not open to guests. Dark kitchen restaurants don’t appear in the store locator.

Upon adding an address in the Pick Up section, a list of the closest restaurants will appear in the store locator. Guests can click on View store details to find more information about the restaurant’s address, opening hours, available service modes and amenities.

Store details modal

In the store locator, guests can Select the restaurant for ordering and they will be taken to the menu page, where they will see the products available in that restaurant. You can learn more about how to set up the menu here.

The Select button will be grayed out in restaurants that do not offer online ordering in our platform.

Guests can also click on Offers and they will be taken to the offers page, which display available and upcoming coupons and discounts. You can learn more about offers here.

The store locator also offers a Delivery section, where guests can input an address to get an order delivered.


You can learn more about our Delivery experience here.

How do I add a new restaurant to the app and website?

See this page: Restaurants - Configuration Guide | Adding a new restaurant

How do I update restaurant information?

See this page: Restaurants - Configuration Guide | Updating restaurant information

How do I enable ordering in a restaurant?

See this page: Restaurants - Configuration Guide | Restaurant fields required for online ordering

Next Reading

We recommend you continue to the following pages:

Restaurants - Configuration Guide

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