Admin App Offer Assignment Improvement - Search Offers

Admin App Offer Assignment Improvement - Search Offers


The customer support team uses the admin tool to assign ad-hoc offers to customers. These offers are usually assigned during a call or incident resolution with the customer.

Current flow:

1- Enter offers section:

2- Select the button “Assign offers” and select the Search Offer input:

Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 10.50.59.png

How it works

  • When selecting the Search Ofer Input, show a full list of Sanity offers names in an increasing alphabetical order.

  • After typing at least three characters (not counting spaces) no matter the letter case, in the Search Offer Input of some offer name, show only Sanity offers with specific characters or words typed in an increasing alphabetical order.

  • After typing less than three characters or three characters that do not exist in any Sanity offer name in the Search Offer Input, shows a warning message: No results for "whatever was typed"

Feature Flag

Intl Tech - Plataform
